"Joshua Wong" types absolutely outnumber Lausan types. There are many reasons but one is that even Hong Kongers sympathetic to left arguments don't believe there's any international power behind our position. Every time we get attacked by the Western left it only reinforces this https://twitter.com/luigisauce/status/1273991787741196288
This is also why it's so infuriating to get these attacks. If the Western left wants to shriek about Hong Kongers becoming more and more right-wing, it should look to itself and its own refusal to listen to Hong Kongers as a key reason why.
I've talked about this before but I confronted the US flag wavers last August when there were only like three of them. I begged them to stop and said the US was not our friend. They asked who else could help. I suggested the international left and they literally laughed at me.
If Lausan has been an effort to bring forward local leftist analysis on Hong Kong's struggle to the outside world, it has also been an effort to demonstrate to local Hong Kongers that there is a viable international left solidarity. We have not succeeded yet. It pains me a lot
Hong Kong's far-right has grown and become skilled at manipulating the Western media spectacle over the past year; their message gets amplified in the West's far right and left.

The Hong Kong left's position is far less visceral. Requires historical understanding. Difficult task
Every time some Western left blowhard throws out "ALL HK ARE CIA / NED / WHITE SUPREMACIST" I have to spend a whole day writing out these threads with context and arguments that they probably will never read. Then it gets lost and we have to do it all over again. Just exhausting.
It also raises serious questions about what the "Western left" is for. What does it mean that its analysis can be so trenchant in some places yet so astonishingly parochial in others...and what are the patterns there. What does this mean for our so-called internationalist visions
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