Starting now! @mlholder999 kicks off this vital event, she starts with discussion of the significance of #JuneteenthDay . #femeconCOVID19
@drcruzbueno discusses the situation of Latinx population during the #COVID19 pandemic. She describes a drastic negative impact of the crisis on economic situation and mental health of the community, related to labour market and immigration situation. #femeconCOVID19
Not only are tax paying Latinx immigrants often not eligible for stimulus pay, but also Latinx American citizens whose families include undocumented immigrants are not receiving this stimulus pay. #femeconCOVID19
Many Black and Latino household don't have bank accounts - so even those who are eligible for stimulus payments may not be able to receive them. Government should rethink how these cash payments are made, e.g. through cash apps. #femeconCOVID19
@JudithLeBlanc discusses #COVID19' impact on American Indians. The community is coming out of the pandemic stronger and more aligned with Black&Latino communities."We are all related": Solutions to systemic racism will come by communities of colour coming together #femeconCOVID19
@mlholder999 discusses #COVID19 and labour market situation of Black communities and Black women. She points out a challenge to understanding the extent of economic damage to communities of colour: there's a lack of data, which are not sufficiently disaggregated #femeconCOVID19
Given the available data @mlholder999 reports that in the #COVID19 crisis, Latinas have the highest unemployment rate, followed by Black women, followed by White women. Between April and May 2020, the official unemployment rate fell - but not so for Black women #femeconCOVID19
One contributing factor behind racial inequalities in unemployment among women, says @mlholder999, comes from overrepresentation of women of colour in industries incl. food preparation & serving, personal care & services, which increases their economic vulnerability during Covid
In the Q&A, @drcruzbueno explains the origins and use of term Latinx. She also says that a lot of women of colour worry about coming back to the job market after #COVID19 due to challenges in healthcare and childcare, as well as about violence in the households. #femeconCOVID19
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