UCT is wild bra, you go to class with children of presidents, ministers, judges, celebrities and they all act “normal” and drink your black label with you when they can afford champagne and something about that is disingenuous to me.
Since most of y’all are acting dof, I have to thread to explain that the beer and champagne example was actually a metaphor. Yes Jabu, one of my theories is that humans are complex, of course a billionaire can drink chibuku and a povvo can spend their life’s savings on champagne
My initial tweet was triggered by my talking to a mutual about a famous actor and I realized that I was “friends” with the daughter of the actor and only found out on graduation day which was confusing to me. I know that blackness is not monolithic and that homes ain’t equal
South Africa is a country of contrasts and one of the most unequal societies in the world, of course the gap between the rich and the poor is huge and keeps widening. I grew up in abject poverty, that’s my truth & reality, I hate it when people pretend to know my situation when-
You can’t relate. It’s okay to be rich. Haibo that actually my goal in life. I wanna know wealth. But until then, I won’t pretend to be something I am not. Personally I value genuine honest people. Be rich or poor, just don’t fake it. When I tell my story I don’t want handouts
So why are the billionaires babies assuming that I want their money if they tell me the truth? It’s also hurtful when I genuinely don’t have bread and you do but you keep pretending you are poor and eat the little I have with me. I don’t want to be messy and mention names.
I legit had no money for deodorant and toothpaste and had to ask friends for help, and to have someone who’s actually privileged cosplay poverty with me is not okay. You are rich, it’s not your fault you were born wealthy. Same as it’s not my fault I am poor. Just don’t pretend.
I’m not counting peoples pockets or asking them to give me their billions (although 30 billion to my account won’t hurt) but ask UCT students to tell you how shocking the parking lot is, 18 year olds driving your dream car mntase. They wanna act like you have the same 24 hours.
I’m watching a movie so Ngizobuya second half majita namacheri and I will add Oxford to the mix. Rich kids who act poor annoy me. That’s my problem, call me a hater akuna maaka makweru. “Opportunity to network” lmao what does a billionaire want with a povvo? Money attracts money
This stupid thread is actually over because I’m triggered and I will end up mentioning names and actual stories. So no- if I’m to hopefully be rich one day, I must zip my lips, hou my bek. Good night 💤😴
Lastly, since this is being misconstrued. Blackness is not monolithic, we should stop associating it with struggle and poverty. Yes race and class are married, but Blacks exist in their complexity and kaleidoscope. We should be able to express our identities in their true form.
“But it’s so qwirhy “ Yes Luyolo, I’m very envious. Try sitting on two stools. Attend ivory towers and go back to your nothingness and tell me how you feel about tasting privilege and have proximity to it that doesn’t benefit you. They have moola and I am sending nsfas money home
Some people are twerking in my mentions, I’m not Phume22 so no PS5. I’m all for respectful engagement but I can do the pigsty. Only hit dogs holler. Also defending billionaires is not the hill you wanna die on sweetie. I will not deactivate. Reflect why this tweet hit a nerve.
I also didn’t mention whiteness because that is obvious with all the trust funds and intergenerational wealth. Also this is my lived experience, I was a UCT and Oxford student, I met people with money and power who for some reason became friends with me, so this is not daily sun
Anyway I am muting this dumb thread. Go argue with capitalism and your aspirations to exploit and accumulate wealth. As I said people are allowed to be whatever they want to be and live how they want, we live in a supposed democracy which affords us certain freedoms.
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