So the little farm towns around where I live have an important Black history that doesn’t often get talked about. Most were actually settled by Black farmers but the narrative has been twisted through the generations to make it sound like they were ex-American civil war soldiers-
Who came up and took the already settled land from innocent white immigrant farmers. Apparently a lady with fam on both sides has delved back into the ACTUAL history and discovered that it’s quite the opposite and people are pissed. My grandpa is LIVING FOR IT. He was telling me-
This morning that she’s apparently publishing things documenting how it was Black farmers who legally purchased and settled the land these towns were built around and then WHITE post-civil war Americans (and a bunch of aggressive Scotsmen) came over and displaced them from-
Their farms in various ways, then actually moved the towns down like a mile to disassociate them from any history of Black settlement. So now there are all these furious old white farmers in rural ON just PISSED at this woman and calling her a liar, but she’s got all the facts.
So grandpa’s spent all morning praising her and laughing at how stubborn old men are (...he is a stubborn 85yr old white Scottish farmer lmfao, our roots are just more recent/rural and not from these towns). He says he’s going to try and find what he read and get me her name.
So that was our deck coffee topic today and will be his investigative topic of the month, I can just tell lmao. Especially if she starts publishing as promised. It’s right up his local history alley AND he gets a real kick out of smart women telling grumpy men what’s up 😂
ANYWAYS Canada has a deeply entrenched an anti-black history too, even out here in the sticks.
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