I disagree with Fauci on one point:

The reasons people don't believe science are COMPLETELY understandable.

People do not believe in science because other people TELL THEM NOT TO (often from a young age). 1/8 https://twitter.com/DavidPriess/status/1273789879495929856
If you study evolutionary biology, you know why people don't believe in science: it's because of religious beliefs.

(This is not a popular thing to point out, because it is seen as attacking religion. And some people do use the point to attack religion.) 2/8
If you study climate change, you know why people don't believe in science: it's because of a deliberate misinformation campaign spurred by fear of communism (documented by Naomi Oreskes in Merchants of Doubt). 3/8
If you study COVID-19 and public health in the US, you know why people don't believe in science: it's because of 45 and Fox News (among others). 5/8
So there are tons of reasons people do not believe some or all of science. They're hard to address, but they're not "unfathomable". 6/8
Fauci might want to say "It's a mystery why people don't believe science" because he's in a political sphere and in medical research. Medical research has a long tradition of bipartisan support in the US. You don't want to piss people off. 7/8
Science is not a normal, intuitive way of thinking. There's a reason professional scientists go to school for a long time. We should not expect it to be a default way of looking at the world. 8/8
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