Marching band warming up for Juneteenth celebrations at grand army.
Several hundred marchers moving along prospect park west
Now moving north again through park slope
Another crew of thousands marching across Brooklyn Bridge now.
The throng is endless, cars passing on east bound side of the bridge are honking in support.
Festive mood as the marchers make it into Manhattan
thousands make their way off the bridge into lower Manhattan near city hall.
They flood pass Tweed Courthouse.
so interesting to watch how Quickly these marchs have evolved over last few weeks, from early spontaneous marches, this one has a clear structure. Now People affiliated with leaders of this particular march all have on yellow pinnies...
They’re waving traffic and directing people he group, a row of bicycles up front is creating barricades at turns so the crowd stays together.
This guy 👇👇👇👇 #JUNETEENTH2020
And they’re moving again.
A very excited trumpeter is blaring along has the crowd passes below.
Jubilant mood as thousands move north.
Leaders of the march pause the crowd to thank the drummers.
Clive Destiny is one of organizers of the march, they say several different groups are coordinating and planning to to converge later in the evening, he’s says at least five other marches are confirmed, but won’t give details.
Crowd near Washington Square Park, the George Floyd plantings are everywhere.
I mentioned organization evolving, here are list of separate groups who’ve been leading marchs for 3 weeks now, slated to converge tonight in celebration of Juneteenth.
Another group of hundreds of marchers is waiting for Them on 14th streets
Two groups converging keep marching north along 6th Avenue.
I tried to go into a @cvspharmacy meeting on the route, they’d locked their doors and weren’t allowing people in until marchers pass, other businesses are open, and there is no propriety damage or vandalism to speak of occurring.
Outside the @dunkindonuts
Thousands take a knee beside Bryant Park as organizers read the names of black men killed by police.
Fists go up as activists play Martin Luther King Jr I have a dream speech for the crowd.
Crowd listens to the speech in silence.
caught up with Roderick Covington, who was on the mic earlier, he’s an Organzier with Asians for black lives, says folks are out here “demanding that the system change.”
A solitary car joins marchers.
Each time marchers make it to a new intersection, the cyclists in front move ahead and form barricades to guide people on foot, it’s what police were doing with Protesters in early marches, now no police in site.
Crowd that marched from Brooklyn is now arriving at Central Park.
Some police, no riot gear tonight and many masks!
Police have blocked off the Statue at Columbus Circle, see biggest police presence of the evening, bike cops and some in riot gear.
Confrontation at Columbus Circle, police are not engaging.
“Do black lives matter to you?” Protester ask, “Ms McCarty go black lives matter to you?” Another asks.
Officers avert their eyes.
Thousands sitting in Columbus Circle now.
“Do not give them what they Want,” organizers urging marchers to keep moving.
Officers now have fists on their clubs, activists are pushing people back from the line of police.
crowd begins to chant, “take this fucking statue down,” as marchers surround Columbus Circle, police fill up the circle and have formed a barricade.
This guy again, tensions have diffused some what.
More strategic response police filling into the center of Columbus circle behind barricades, but only about 50 protesters left here, most have headed into Central Park.
Lost them, but with a bit or hustle managed to catch up as crowd arrives at the Great Lawn in Central Park.
Thousands here still.
Chants of Juneteenth as organizers hand out food and water.
volunteers are handing out 1000 plus free meals including rice, jerk chicken, vegan crawfish from black owned businesses across the city
Crowd now getting a history lesson about Seneca Village, saying goodnight for now.
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