Told my uncle two days ago that the mob would come for Washington and Jefferson next
And there it is
This paragraph especially resonated with me
I’m just terrified the mob will come for Lincoln next. I really don’t want to perpetually see National Guardsmen in front of his Memorial on the Mall. Every American should be able to enjoy the splendor of our nation’s capital city. Social media reduces complex issues too easily.
Okay final snippet of the interview and this is the most important one because it deals with the coming indoctrination of the Zoomers and posterity. Never have I seen a more powerful argument for school choice.

Despite her flaws, I still love and believe in the US of A. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
And now we have moved on to the Civil War. I live three blocks from Grant Circle in Washington, DC. Is the mob going to deface the placard to him there next?!

They are gonna come for Lincoln. He has five statues in the Capitol.

Where does this end?
And there it is. Lincoln is now canceled.

History lesson of the day, children:

Former slaves paid for this statue and Frederick Douglass was at its unveiling. Can we have an honest conversation about our shared history now?

All I ask of the mob is to read what is literally written on the statue itself! Look what you are trying to destroy!

Then read Frederick Douglass’ speech from the dedication.

If I weren’t in the #LandOfLincoln rn, I’d stand guard here.

Great thread. Thank you, Noah.
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