'Seven Samurai' is one of the most famous Japanese films in the world and is highly regarded.
It's an old movie(1954), but even now,a famous movie review site in the US has a good rating of 97%.It won 1st place in the BBC's "Top100 Foreign Language Films of All Time" in 2018.
Directed by Akira Kurosawa.
It took about a year to shoot the film, with production costs about 7 times higher than those of ordinary films at the time, and several thousand staff and cast members.
Won the Silver Lion Award at the Venice International Film Festival.
Set in Japan in 1586, it’s a story in which seven samurai who were hired by a farmer who had suffered from looting by wandering samurai fight against wandering samurai, overcoming friction caused by class differences.The decisive battle of heavy rain is the biggest highlight.
KUROSAWA adopted the multi-cam method(Simultaneous shooting with multiple cameras) for the first time and used a lot of telephoto lenses.
And he established realism in action movies and period dramas by using his techniques as well as scripts and detailed historical research.
This film greatly influenced people of the world who make films.
In the US it was remade as 'The Seven in the Wilderness' (1960) and as 'Magnificent Seven' (2016).
It is also said that this movie inspired George Lucas to create a sci-fi epic, which led to 'Star Wars' series.

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