Some thoughts about the #cyberattack against Australia 🇦🇺: facts, assessment under international law and Australia's response options.
First, the facts:
➡️state actor (most likely 🇨🇳, but 🇦🇺 will not say)
➡️persistent & ongoing campaign
➡️targeted are all levels of gov't, political orgs, OES and other CI operators
➡️systems were penetrated, but no info about disruptive or destructive effects
With this in mind, did this cyber operation breach international law? Let's look at:
1⃣ use of force
2⃣ non-intervention
3⃣ sovereignty
I omit due diligence, because attribution to a state actor is assumed.
1⃣ It's fairly obvious that there has been no breach of the prohibition of the use of force. Under the scale-and-effects test, which most states (incl. 🇦🇺) use, a cyberattack must be comparable to kinetic operations. As no damage occured, art. 2(4) UNC is not breached.
2⃣ Below-the-threshold cyberattacks can constitute a prohibited intervention into the internal affairs of another state if
➡️they are coercive, i.e. deprive the state of the ability to decide or act freely upon matters which
➡️fall within the domaine réservé
Although governmental systems and critical infrastructure were affected, it seems that the actions were not coercive. Penetration of systems and exfiltration of data, without more, does not affect Australia's ability to decide freely on sovereign matters. So, no intervention.
3⃣Sovereignty is more tricky. There are 3 approaches:
➡️sovereignty is not a rule of IL and cannot be breached by cyberattacks (🇬🇧&🇺🇸DOD)
➡️sovereignty can be breached if there is usurpation of inherently govt functions (TM2.0&🇳🇱)
➡️penetration = breach of sovereignty (🇫🇷)
Here, 🇦🇺 sovereignty would only be breached under the 🇦🇺 approach. As there have been no reports that the penetrated systems and data thereon have been manipulated or destroyed (other than malware installation), this is not enough for usurpation of govt functions.
So far, Australia has not made its own views on sovereignty in cyberspace publicly known, so we don't know how they would assess the cyber attacks. Maybe this would be a good moment to develop a position on this issue.
Next, what are Australia's response options? Lets look at:
1⃣ criminal indictments
2⃣ public attribution
3⃣ sanctions
4⃣ countermeasures
1⃣ Unauthorised access to restricted data is an offence under the Australian criminal code and Australia would have territorial jurisdiction. Of course, the perpetrators would first need to be identified, but as a member of the 5 Eyes, 🇦🇺 might/should have the capabilities.
2⃣ Public attribution is a sovereign political decision. Here, 🇦🇺 decided not to name the responsible state, but the political calculus might change according to the circumstances. Public attributions are not governed by IL and there is no requirement to provide evidence.
3⃣ Individual sanctions or cyber restrictive measures can be qualified as retorsions and do not violate IL as long as they do not breach an international obligation owed by 🇦🇺 to the sanctioned state. Travel bans & asset freezes are the standard tools here.
4⃣ Actions that affect 🇦🇺 int'l obligations towards the responsible state would constitute an internationally wrongful act and would need to be justified, most likely under the doctrine of countermeasures. For this, a previous wrongful act by the resp. state is necessary.
Here, only a breach of sovereignty under the French penetration-based approach would qualify. Under all other approaches, there has been no breach of sovereignty.
Could 🇦🇺 hack back? IMO yes, but the justification and scope varies depending on the approach towards sovereignty.
Under 1⃣ - yes, because there is no rule of sovereignty to be breached.
Under 2⃣ - yes, provided no phys. effects or usurpation of inherently govt functions.
Under 3⃣ - yes, as a countermeasure to induce the responsible state to stop, provided proportionality and other requirements are met. Many states argue that in the cyber context, prior notification is not required if it would jeopardise the success of the countermeasure.
And that's it. Let's see how this thing develops and how the cyber attacks will affect Australia's position on IL (esp. sovereignty) in cyberspace, if at all.
Thanks for reading! Now I'm going back to grading exams *sigh*.
All copied text from here:
There's a typo (flagpo?) in this tweet:
Of course I meant the French approach.
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