How to approach a friend for serious relationship ( without breaking the friendship if it didnt work)

This is based on my personal experience.

I have quite a number of friends & network. Among them are good & kind people, suitable for potential spouse. Here is how I ask them.
I go straight to them with casual chat. Then, sambung

"..nak tanya, are you taken?"

If they answer single and available,

I'll ask, "I'm considering you as potential spouse. Do you want to give us a try?"
Want to know what's their reaction?

First, of course some will be quite shock, some will sing praises saying how bold I was, then, some will reply with yes.
Of all the answers I like the most the one that reply, that he will consider my offer so he needed 3 days to do istikharah, discussion with others and will get back to me after that.

This just indicate how mature the way he thinks of marriage.
How I avoid ruining the friendship?

1. If they reply with rejection,
i'll reply,

"Thank you for replying and for being honest. Nanti kita chill still kawan macam biasa okay?"
2. Filter first,then start.
If you start the process of investing your emotion on him without filtering, asking who is interested, who is not, that is how the friendship is ruined.

You can't force anyone to accept your feelings. Before you get hurt, filter before it gets deepen
3. No means no. Move on

What's more to say? There a lot of fishes in the sea. You just need to meet more people in order to finally jumpa the one and only.

Kalau pilih baju kat shoppee, berapa jam window shopping?Nak pilih satu je pun kan? Imagine finding a lifetime spouse.
4. Always refresh intention.

As human, I must agree it's easy to get carried away. Especially when you know the other person is also interested in you.

Stick to goal. Use min 90 days to get to know your potential husband. The side that he won't show as a friend.
After getting to know him during the timeframe that you set, never hesitate to No if they arent the one you want to choose as the father of your child.

Be clear. Dont stay silent, dont beat around the bush. It will hurt him and you too.
5. Always Ends It Classy.

Make it clear to your friend that,
"When the time comes, if this didnt work, we both can be honest about stopping this tau.Setuju?"

And then, don't get overly emotional of it. Jangan nak block,maki etc.

Chill. Relax, sambung kawan macam biasa.
I'll be honest, I am still searching for one, and I made a lot of mistakes during the processes too. Ada je tak boleh kawan dah.

But we are human,and it's part of the journey in life.
Just do your best, keep on improving and keep on searching for knowledge.
My guide are :
Online course I Choose You + the book Unbreakable from @aimanazlan90 ,
the book Man from mars women from venus,
Body language book,
Matthew Hussey,
Steve Harvey, my akak usrah, my ibu, my sisters and of course, my Lord in my prayers.
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