A friend of mine who is an SEO expert has pointed out an interesting reason why Boris Johnson is talking about #TimTams - It’s a social media and search engine tactic, weaponised for political gain. Allow me to explain in this thread:
If you currently search for “Boris Tam”, you get a bunch of news stories about the PM banging on about Australian chocolate biscuits, which has had a lot of he country bemused and bewildered as to why he would do so: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=boris+tam&t=iphone&ia=news&iar=news
Of course, they want to bury the story about how the PM’s senior advisor broke the very rules that he helped to shape and message, but also that health advisors are helping to reinforce that by giving expert advice that it was a selfish and ignorant thing to do.
Coincidence? Wouldn’t credit the government with that much intelligence? Okay then, try this on for size: remember when Johnson was interviewed, and he burbled on about making models of buses? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-politics-48766451/boris-johnson-i-make-models-of-buses
So yes, every time you see a politician doing something odd, ask yourself why they are doing that, and what the implications might be. It could be that they’re using edge ranking to change the information people find when they search for key phrases.
Big thanks to my friend (who wishes to remain nameless) for pointing this out. Stay safe, and stay alert, especially to this Government and what they’re up to next!
You can follow @andyravensable.
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