I hope everyone is finding ways to look after themselves in these troubling times, especially BAME and trans colleagues and pals. Self-care looks different for everyone, so stay proud of managing the 'small things', like brushing your teeth. (1/6)
Remember that our world isn't all on social media, or even the internet, so give yourself breaks from it when you need to. đź’– (2/6)
If you're an ally of the #BlackLivesMatter movement, think about your impact offline. Make an index of your personal and professional resources. How can you redirect them to centre and elevate Black people and voices? How can you redirect them to fight racial injustice? (3/6)
Next, to all the other cis women out there, let's use our voices to take a stand against transphobia. Trans men are men! Trans women are women (duh!) and belong in women-only spaces. Non-binary people are REAL and VALID - unlike our government's outdated views (!) (4/6)
Write to the PM and your MP and let them know that their transphobia is #NotInMyName. @stonewalluk have easy email templates on their website. (5/6)
And finally, remember this is all connected. We are infinitely complex, with various intersecting identities. The fight for equality is one cause! (6/6)
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