the problem with brockhampton
somebody had made a thread like this but they have been suspended so i will try and do my best to remake it.
tw // abuse , predatory behavior
ill start off with nick holiday. hes brockhampton’s designer(?)+ close friend, he was talking to somebody underage. he was 22. they were 17. [just because its legal it does NOT make it ok] nick also often dm(ed) many fans who were minors.
along with that nick is VERY known for stealing designs. u can read about that anywhere. + nick had recently made clothing with the faces of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, & Ahmaud Arbery on them. he then later deleted/deactivated his twitter because of it.
jon nunes, brockhampton’s manager. this one is quite self explanatory. these were tweets he had made before ameer left brockhampton. (included the qrt to show the tweets were real) ameer had also said in a interview in december that he had kept contact with jon.
again, this one is quite self explanatory but before ameer left merlyn wood was asked if they were gonna address the situation. merlyn also has his own predatory allegations of when bh toured in the uk.
a lot of people dont know but kevin abstract had also known about ameers whole situation before he had left. an old friend of kevins was asked if they had known anything about kevin and they replied with this.
tw / abuse
ameers ex had also mentioned that kevin,joba,and romil had witnessed what was going on (screaming then saying he loves her) she had also mentioned that romil had known about bruises she had. when romil unfollowed rhett he took ameers side despite seeing what happened.
reminder that bh DIDNT kick ameer, ameer left on his own as said on their documentary he left before going to a show. along w that the 1st time ian mentioned the allegations in a live he was promoting ready for war and said “he was getting help” Indicating ameer wasnt kicked.
(1) now onto the ciaran thing. there was 3 people who made allegations against him around the same time. the screenshots i put are from the first person.
(2) the person claimed that ciaran followed them on instagram. which was indeed true. the second screenshot was one i took. yet a few days later claimed they had blocked him. somebody asked a mutual friend of theirs about the situation and they replied with this (3rd ss)
(3) the second person made a burner account. they tweeted about things involving ciaran. they had later gained a lot of attention and later on deleted their account [THIS IS A DIFFERENT PERSON FROM THE FIRST!]
(4) now the third person. they said their friend had spoken up and they also made a burner account to give information on what their friend said. [THESE ARE DIFFERENT PEOPLE FROM THE FIRST TWO]
(5) people had come to realize the screenshots involved were fake and the “two friends” planned the thing using burners. yet these people were talking about the previous allegations using a burner. NOT the first person who talked about the stuff on their MAIN ACCOUNT.
(6) the third person who admitted to making up allegations tried sillencing the first two people. and they succeeded since many people think that there was only one person who spoke up (the 3rd) and assume that the allegations were proven false, which they have not been.
matt champion, he was very toxic to his ex girlfriend. they were both very toxic but i still want to bring it up cause its very wrong on both matt and his ex’s part.
there was a account to show what his ex had said about matt in a groupchat but it then got suspended. luckily i have some screen shots saved. basically matts ex got pregnant and he ghosted her.
kevin abstract also has predatory allegations against him. these ss are from people who have met/talked to him. these allegations against him go as far back as 2017. u can easily search up keywords @kevinabstract predator on twitter and see how far back they go.
kevin has also said a slur used against hispanic/latinx immigrants, “wetback” .. (i can say it btw lol)
you can argue on this all you want but they still need to address these allegations.. dont say stuff like “theres no proof” exactly why these are allegations. many of you speak before you think. not knowing the meaning of allegation.
the main question is. if these allegations really are false..why wont they speak up about it..?why wouldnt they have addressed it before.?the thing that makes people upset it the fact that they WONT address it. they are very hypocritical.
when i say hypocrital i mention the fact that kevin has said things such as “u gotta hold urself accountable, tell the truth. if u really love somebody u would tell them the truth” on their documentary
he had also said “if u know ur truth u have to say something”.. and “if you are being lied on, let that be known” so if these allegations are infact false..why havent they said anything? is it cause they are true?
all of bh is aware of this. when ameer was seen at their last show in december the old thread of bh (which is now gone) was made. on the same day people began questioning kevin. he then left twitter. ever since he hasnt been back. its clear they know. so why ignore them?
they had all left twitter around the same time, not just kevin. yet kevin hasnt returned along with ciaran. kevin doan has filtered his twitch stream so u cant say allegation or along those lines. i dont know who else hasnt returned cause i havent been updated but yea
read this if ur a bh stan lol
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