If you start every session of the Legislature with a prayer that no one ever finds your donor list, you might be UCP.

If you’re more impressed by a dude from Ontario with a blue pickup truck and half a divinity school education, than the lady lawyer from Fairview who’s dad died serving as an MLA, you might be UCP.

If you take Federal emergency funds for your party while threatening to secede, you might be UCP.

If all your vests are yellow, you might be UCP.

If firearms were involved in your betrothal, you might be UCP.

If you thought the devistating impacts of callous budget cuts was only going to affect people you don’t like, you might be UCP.

If you’ve ever called someone a liberal and had your momma immediately wash your mouth with soap, you might be UCP.

If you wish you could have seen dinosaurs like Noah did, you might be UCP.

If you hate unions because those people are soft and seem so well paid and happy, you might be UCP

If your fashion sense includes different camo for spring, summer, winter and fall, you might be UCP

#fashion #umightbUCP
If you cousins seem either unusually uncomfortable or unusually amorous around you, you might be UCP

If you think every post secondary student, regardless of their major, should be required to learn welding, you might be UCP

If you want to kill rural healthcare, throw thousands of government worker off payroll, privatize blood donations and risk the pensions of millions of Albertans, you’re not just UCP, you’re deranged.

Thanks to all of you who played last night.

Again, you know the schtick. Make up your own jokes.

Retweet the hell out of them.

Or... #umightbUCP
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