How to destroy a revolt:
Spread disinfo about outside agitators causing violence to sow fear and spread divisions within protests, make people think the only people who resist militantly are bad actors.
Use this as an opportunity to forge bonds between protesters and symbols of the state by having police take pictures and videos with peaceful protesters and pretend to be on their side, thereby deescalating the tension and identifying which protesters are cooptable.
Have those protesters “invited to the table” and promise them the most measly concessions, on the condition that they are able to control the crowds and prevent violence. If they don’t, threaten to cut ties.
Have the police attack the protesters even when they are peaceful to discourage further attendance of protests. When protesters defend themselves after being attacked, spin that defense as having been what preceded and precipitated the police attack.
Cause more division by having your proxy protesters fight to control the crowd trying to defend itself. Repeat the outside agitator narrative and the rest of the steps until you can finally cut ties with the protesters you were in discussion with. Offer only symbolic concessions.
Police repression + minor concessions + lack of solidarity due to crowd divisions + ineffectiveness of protests without diverse tactics + outside agitator fears = crowds getting smaller and weaker until they fizzle out.
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