"A success story that many other places can learn from." Please. Let's recall @shandro's role during the COVID-19 Pandemic:

1. After the lockdown is declared, confronts @zaidi71's children on their driveway after too many gin and tonics to dispute a Facebook post. https://twitter.com/shandro/status/1273737226019409920
2. Gets put into timeout by @jkenney and is nowhere to be seen during @CMOH_Alberta's daily updates, for weeks. IN A PANDEMIC.

3. Pushes back against properly funding virtual doctor visits (to prevent face to face exposure - IN A PANDEMIC) - the only province to do so.
4. Shamed into making the most minimal concession possible to make virtual visits possible in primary care, still funding at the lowest rate in Canada.

5. Implements the Physician Funding Framework - IN A PANDEMIC - slashing funding to primary care, rural medicine and pediatrics
6. Hauled onto the carpet by @TanyYao and @roger4LivMac to pretend to announce renewed funding - which actually results in additional cuts to many rural communities.

7. Presided over the largest COVID-19 outbreak in North America and refused to initiate early interventions ...
... then having to rely on local physicians in High River, Public Health and Respiratory specialists, and Primary Care Networks to create innovative solutions to prevent catastrophic community spread.
8. And now, presiding over physician flight from over 40 rural communities. The Wildrose Party was created precisely because rich Calgarians had people like @jkenney and @shandro in their pockets and cared nothing for rural Albertans. They were tossed out for their arrogance.
9. But they snuck back in. And the former Wildrose party betrayed their rural grassroots supporters for Calgary money again. @UCPCaucus is implementing a pyramid scheme to funnel money from rural to urban, from workers to shareholders. They are stripping Alberta for parts.
And we've been fooled again. It is time for rural @UCPCaucus MLAs to stand with their rural constituents against Calgary lawyers like @shandro and those in the pockets of Calgary money like @jkenney. If the @UCPCaucus isn't hearing you, it's time to put service over ambition.
@shandro mismanaged the COVID-19 pandemic, putting the interests of private Seniors' care facilities and meat packing plants ahead of safety. Rural Albertans died. Rural @Albertadoctors prevented a catastrophe. Rural @UCPCaucus needs to think about where their loyalty lies.
And you know. When @jkenney, @JasonNixonAB and @shandro roll out privatized medicine, rural Alberta won’t be a part. There isn’t enough volume to make profit. Rural Albertans will be left with virtual walk in docs like @TELUSHealth Babylon, or will have to drive to the city. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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