I was reading about how Brad Bird transformed Pixar. Steve Jobs felt that the studio was hitting a creative plateau and he brought in Brad Bird to add a fresh perspective.
And what did Brad do? Get the top performers together. Hire exciting new talent. Nope!
He asked all the line managers to give him a list of all their 'difficult' employees, the ones who kept arguing when asked to toe the line on story lines or artistic styles, the stubborn ones who just hated conforming and fitting in.
And then he got them together and asked them what they really wanted to do, their ideas that were usually shot down, their techniques which were never explored.
And the result was The Incredibles, a film that was cheaper per frame of film than any film Pixar had ever made.
It was a $ 631 million dollar monster hit with a hugely successful sequel, Incredibles 2, i 2018. The Incredibles franchise is a tribute to the misfits, the non-conformists and the wonders they can achieve if they are allowed to blossom!
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