I can’t guarantee 6 ft social distancing in a school, but I can guarantee we will do our best to social distance kids by staggering schedules, lunches, and the placement of desks/furniture, etc....
I can’t ask kids to wear a cloth mask 8 hrs a day (1. They aren’t designed for long periods 2. Must be washed or they can cause problems), but I can ask them to mask up at class change, on the bus, etc...
I can’t take a student’s temperature before entry to school (the need to do thousands in a 20-30 min period vs....rain, storms, cold, etc...doesn’t work), but I can take everyone’s temperature at the beginning of first hour.
I can’t ask kids to sit in a chair 7 hours a day (including lunch), but I can clean the rooms more thoroughly at night and implement cleaning protocols for each class change.
I can’t absorb the cost of eating in a room from a cleaning, packaging, or a delivery standpoint, but I can have creative lunch schedules or give individual students flexibility (if they or their parents are worried)....
I can’t run an A/B schedule because IMO it would be bad for parents/kids and even worse for teachers. I have a great crew, but I can’t ask them to run multiple teaching platforms. However, I can live stream a class for parents who don’t want to send their kids back to school.
I won’t add masks to a dress code, but I can teach the importance of wearing a mask in crowded areas. A doctor’s note (anxiety or a health issue) can’t get you out of a dress code policy, but it can get you out of a mask. If there’s an exception, it’s not a dress code policy.
I could continue for 50 more tweets, but I’ll just ask that our leadership try to stop communicating ideas that can’t be successful implemented, that aren’t feasible, and/or cost more than my system can afford.
You can follow @beechwoodsup.
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