Why bother making a "let people ship what they want" post if you're just going to tack on a bunch of conditions based on what YOU personally dislike. This concept isn't difficult, you either let people ship what they want, or you try and make everyone to conform to your tastes.
"But people should only shop things that are harmless!"

Newsflash, every ship is fake, and if you really think shipping is an all powerful tool to hurt others, than ANY ship could be used, even the most pure, sanctified, blessed by the gods ship that you can think of.
Predators could use a super dark, disturbing ship to attempt to groom someone into an abusive relationship theoretically, they could also use a "pure" ship to convince their victim that their relationship is just as pure by comparing it to the "good points" of their relationship.
Just like how many abusers use purity as a shame tactic/idealization to abuse their victims, a "pure ship" could be used to groom and abuse victims into believing that their relationship is good because their abuser drew comparisons between the "good ship" and their relationship.
Abuse isn't a cookie cutter "if x interest is present, y is an abuser." Abusers and predators will use ANYTHING at their disposal to manipulate potentional victims, which means they could go anywhere from dark fic to pure fluff in order to convince their victim that they're good.
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