Thread compiling videos of Black on White violence & hate crimes. Blacks have 1/5 the population of Whites, yet commit 10x’s the violent crimes against them (537k a year). This is race reality in America

Brass knuckles to unsuspecting white child’s temple
White man knocked unsconsious with a metal object then robbed. While unconscious and after the crime is competed he is repeatedly, unnecessarily and violently kicked in the head for no reason. Probably simply for being a white.
Ireland: Blacks blissfully stabbing a semi conscious 17 year old boy. Listen to them, they’re absolutely relishing this; stab after stab. I’m surprised he lived through it, but he did. There was a fundraiser, but Go Fund Me cancelled it for being White
Lynched for breathing while white.
Walking while White.
8 on 1: “Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill”
Peaceful protestors beating the hell out of trucker for having the nerve to go to work while they were (B)urning, (L)ooting and (M)urdering.
Being old and crippled won’t save you. You’re still White, therefore evil, and deserving of being hospitalized or dead. When you pass them, turn slightly and look out of the corner of your eye to ensure they’re not coming up behind you.
Blacks make pit bulls look docile. They don’t even care if it’s the right guy or not, then when they find the right guy, it’s still the wrong guy, then his friend gets it too. Toll paid boys, you should know better than to hang around the zoo.
“Working while white.” If you hear Blacks attacked White(s) because they said n!gger like here, know its a lie. They’re covering up their anti White hate, by claiming they were provoked. Its almost like they’re sub human animals lacking any impulse control
Don’t think for a moment your daughters are safe. They’re not. These people only understand and respect violence. They can only operate under our police officers protection. Our law enforcement are their shock troops ensuring our victimization continues.
Blacks throwing high power explosives at a sleeping homeless man. What’s more privileged than a group of people picking on the most sick & vulnerable among us, lobbing quarter sticks of dynamite at him while filming it on their smartphones? Just sickening
A common strategy of these super predators is to ask you for something. Change, help, or a cigarette like this young White man was. The purpose is to get closer to victimize you. If you’re being approached or solicited by blacks you’re being targeted.
White privilege is being lectured how evil you are while being shot in the head and face with high powered explosives.
Black man sets fire to White women at quick stop. As you see in so many of these instances, these acts are not necessary in commitment of any crime. They are done to inflict as much damage, pain & death to White people as possible. This is Black Sociopathy
Twitter is active as usual making sure blacks are only depicted as nothing but the most peaceful and victimized people on earth instead of the most violent.
Crossing the street would be racist. This guy walks right into it. Literally.
This innocent white child is smaller than any one of these “teens.” That doesn’t stop them all from pummeling him for no reason. Who’s the privileged one here? The young boy minding his business or the blacks circling him to film their premeditated attack
The story goes that this white man tried to break up a fight. Who knows. Tomorrow it might be that he said the n word. Who cares. Stay away from areas where’s theses people amass. They are not like you. Understand, accept, embrace and share this reality.
White girl attacked by group of blacks committing assault, battery and false imprisonment. Imagine if a gang of white girls did this to a black girl, begging to be let go and to stop being beaten. The video ends as the attack escalates. I hope she’s ok.
Trump finally addresses Blacks committing 10 times the violent crime against whites than the reverse in this leaked audio.
Privileged Blacks attack white man for not letting them cut in front of him in line. Remember, Blacks in a pack, always attack.
There’s a strong sociopathic undercurrent in the black Community. A large percent are unable/unwilling to feel compassion. The interesting thing is this is often deliberately instilled, encouraged & rewarded from a very young age by them. Guard against it.
Psychopathic Personality Disorder.
Young White man attacked, knocked unconscious, amd continued to be kicked in the head and body so the feral pack could inflict as much damage as humanly possible. You hear his rib cage crack & shatter as its jumped on. Why? Because he was born white.
His only crime? Relaxing.
You think you’re safe at home? Think again. Mother and daughter beat, kicked and stomped half to death by a black mob, including parents, on their own front porch.
Compilation of black on white racism, violence and hate crimes 1/3.
Compilation of black on white racism, violence and hate crimes 2/3.
Compilation of black on white racism, violence and hate crimes 3/3. These videos were made/found by @VarelaPete. Please give him a follow and your continued support.
Why didn’t anyone help? Tribalism. Notice the only person who tried to help, who gave a damn, was her two year old son kicking at the sub human monster. We are not the same. Never betray your own. Don’t ever let yourselves be divided. Teach your kids that.
Troy, NY: Black Lives Matters terrorists rampage, this time pulling attacking churchgoers, pulling them off the church steps to pummel them.

Why is the Medi✡️ demonizing Chris✝️ians while lying that the mob is peaceful practicing their 1st amendment?
When bullies realize they no longer have easy targets and will be met with superior violence for every unwarranted violent transgression against us, they will move on to softer targets, or each other, and our peace and safety can again be enjoyed.
Hit first. Hit hard. Don’t stop hitting until the threat is neutralized. If you’re outnumbered, get somewhere safe, call police, video them. Travel in groups. Always back each other up. ALWAYS! Carry concealed. If you don’t have a permit, get one.
Another Racially motivated attack on a Whites. The attacker’s yelling "White boy! White boy!" as he smashes out the driver's windows.
The driver is forced to defend himself with his vehicle and is lucky to escape.
One reason I post these aren’t to black pill you. It’s so you can glean some bit of information to help prevent you from becoming one of the 593,598 White victims of Black violence every year. Here are some who paid the ultimate sacrifice for diversity.
These were our mothers & fathers, sisters & brothers, our children. They never deserved the horrible evil that befell them. Some were victims of naïveté, ignorance, or mere happenstance, but all were victims of dieversity. Thx @Curious_Normie for your work
Black people have adopted their own version of Bowling so beware.
Blacks/Muslims start a new trend on social media. It shows them beating White Irish youth then forcing them to pose for pictures with them after the attack, like they would a trophy hunt.

Philippe was 58yrs old. He was married & to feed his family he was a bus driver. They wouldn’t pay for tickets instead they caved his skull in leaving him brain dead.”
- @BaronStrucker
Another black gang attacking in Ireland. This White Irish lad was attacked and beaten by multiple attackers, with at least one yielding a heavy glass bottle. Our boys must learn to travel together, fight together, and fight ruthlessly and violently.
I posted this before but it was blocked, so here it is again, but this one has no sound.

Blacks blissfully stabbing a semi conscious 17 year old boy. He lived, but was critical. There was a fundraiser, but Go Fund Me cancelled it for being White.
Here’s the thing who was filming the stabbing, laughing hysterically. As the Irish lad was repeatedly slashed and stabbed this sub human gleefully explained you killed him, he dead!
The same fate should meet all of those who import these creatures.
These are the murder victims the media hides. Pretends they don’t exist. White men, women & children killed by 'people of color’

They are the victims of the anti-white racism the media deliberately foments every day against you, your family, and people.
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