Just a few weeks ago, the dues of the SSC region were sent directly to taleex, buuhoodle and badhan. For the first time in 30 years.

Before that, the development funds for ssc were always sent thru PL or SL and they never made their way out of garowe and hargeisa.
The people of ssc lived off of their own sweat, the local or the federal govt have never made contributions to the progress of the region.

The people take care of public services on their own. Whether its education, providing electricity, healthcare, sanitation facilities. Etc
The people even build their own airports like the one in buuhoodle, and Laascaanood. Altho the one in LA had contributions from USAID (but not their own govt).the people build their own roads like the one that connects Kalabaydh and LA. Not a single penny came from elsewhere.
The SSC community in the diaspora plays an important role for the community because they funded almost every single project that is undertaken in the region. With qurbojoog businessmen teaming up to make schools, hospitals, and all public services the people might need
Every administration in xamar has been a liability to the exsistence of the people of SSC by constantly undermining their progress. Constantly trying to snuff out the will of the people. The govt in xamar has turned against its people in SSC.
It is time for ssc residents to make sure their will is the final say in their affairs. SSC will be a state of its own no matter how many new enemies arise. No admin in xamar, garowe, or hargeisa will tell the people of ssc where to put their trust in.
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