Right. Yes. Hello.

It's just THREE weeks till this thing appears in the wild, so there now follows some blatant marketing.

BUT for every blatant marketing tweet in this thread I shall be posting a compensatory bird.

Fair’s fair.
Starting with this redhead smew.
I’d like to talk about pre-orders.

We LOVE pre-orders. They give a book:

– visibility

– credibility

– a sort of lemony taste
Compensatory jackdaw.
Apart from the visibility, credibility and lemony taste, pre-orders are aggregated in the book’s first-week sales.

Given that books often have pretty short lifespans, getting off to a good start is quite important.
Compensatory wood pigeon (flumpfy)
So what I’m saying is:

if you’re thinking of buying Into The Tangled Bank (and THANK YOU if you are) then it would be brilliant if you were to do it sooner rather than later.

More info here, with links to Hive, Waterstones and a few excellent indies.
A couple of compensatory gannets before the final very short bit.
Times are hard. A lot of people can't afford books, least of all hardbacks. They're pretty luxurious items, really.

But if you do want to support it (and again, THANK YOU) a brilliant thing you can do is talk about it. On here, to friends, wherever.
Compensatory Dartford warbler.
Even something as simple as 'I’ve heard this is great' or 'Looking forward to this' or 'Lovely cover!' is more helpful than you might imagine.

This applies, by the way, to all creative endeavours, not just my book.
So there you go. Thanks for your attention. If you’ve been following this thread for the birds, here’s a bonus heron.
Incidentally, I wrote a thing for @countrywalking about how Into The Tangled Bank came into existence. You can get the magazine from all the usual places, or here. https://www.greatmagazines.co.uk/single-back-issues/hobby-single-back-issues/fitness-magazines-single-back-issues/country-walking-single-back-issues

You can follow @LevParikian.
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