Good day all 👋, I am publishing a report today on the child protection organization @ProstasiaInc. I'll summarise some of my findings in this thread — along with some of the attempts to silence me that have come from Prostasia's executive director.  1/
Prostasia is a child protection organization that advocates for the lawful possession and sale of child-like sex dolls, supports the "sexual depiction of minors in drawings and cartoons" and argues that "sex offense registries do almost nothing to protect children from abuse." 2/
It's easy to have a visceral reaction to Prostasia's positions, but that would be unfair. Instead, I consulted with academic literature and recognized experts to uncover the facts. Is Prostasia taking an evidence-informed approach to keeping children safe? You get to decide. 3/
Positions aside, there are a lot of questions about Prostasia that need answers. For example, the State of California has recorded @ProstasiaInc as "delinquent" in its registry of charities. So why then, as recently as yesterday, were they actively soliciting donations? 4/
Okay, let's be generous and presume that's an oversight. What do they do with the funds they take in? On at least one occasion they've commissioned art which I believe depicts a child in a sexual manner - for obvious reasons I will not share the uncensored image. 5/
And who is involved in Prostasia's work? Throughout 2019, there was at least one convicted sex offender on their Advisory Council. (Prostasia does not publish the names of all its advisors online, so I cannot review the backgrounds of all their personnel.) 6/
Who else is involved? Well, here's Prostasia's program director interviewing a sex worker - who is also a Prostasia advisor. Serious question: is this advice that an adult should give to a child? If I may comment - I certainly would want to impart different wisdom in children. 7/
There's a whole lot more in the full report, which you can read for free here: . I'd appreciate it if you would amplify this throughout your network so we can draw wider attention to Prostasia's activities. /8
A final note. I wrote this report under considerable duress, as Prostasia's executive director Jeremy Malcolm has been threatening me via email for asking questions and slandering me to my professional network. But as an activist and a researcher, I will not be silenced. /9
I have provided citations for all of my claims in this report, and I will keep this website up-to-date as a central repository for information about the Prostasia Foundation as more details come to light. /10
Jeremy Malcolm, the executive director of Prostasia, is now insulting those who retweet this thread, saying they all have certain hashtags in their biographies. I encourage you to look at who HAS retweeted this & you'll see immediately his tweet is untrue
Jeremy Malcolm has now moved on to assassinating my character (how unexpected, @YesThatAnna and @SVPhillimore 😋), but note how he does not respond to the substance of my report. Because he can't dispute its accuracy. All he can do is attack me instead.
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