To date the council has applied for and received £470,000 of #SpacesforPeople funding from @SustransScot to close off roads in affluent areas and city centres so people can cycle. It pales in comparison with other city councils (dark grey in this graph)
While it boasts of unprecedented investment in active travel, Dundee City Council is also making questionable planning decisions, like blocking off one lane of a dual carriageway with kerbs so people can park there, contrary to a recommendation it be used as a cycle lane.
Later in this series we'll be giving the council a chance to have their say on the criticisms levelled at them in this and other pieces, but I'm looking forward to sharing more with you soon, including chats with @husamalwaer and @colvilleandersn. Watch this space.
Mikael Colville-Andersen was highly critical of Dundee's car-centric Waterfront layout when he visited the city in 2019 - and says the city is engineered for those who commute into it rather than those who live there.
So what needs to change? Colville-Andersen says infrastructure is key: make it easier and faster to get about by bike than it is by car and people will cycle. Major cities the world over are embracing this - how long until Dundee follows suit?
Today's @thecourieruk print edition features my interview with @colvilleandersn: "I like Dundee, it was a great city to spend time in, but the traffic was depressing. Your traffic engineers and politicians maybe need a kick in the pants."
Dr AlWaer, reader in architecture and urban planning at @dundeeuni, says people will make wasteful short journeys by car unless investment is made in cycle infrastructure everywhere - not just in areas where bike ownership is already high. Car journeys are rising each week now
He says cities need "fewer cars on the road, more cycle lanes" starting from now, experimenting with temporary lanes and other ideas to get people walking and biking.

But this will be a challenge in a city where car traffic outnumbers bicycles by a factor of 481 to one.
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