I'm starting a thread dedicated to the 'Everyday Racists'; the ordinary people, representative of those we rub shoulders with (or, currently, stand 2m apart from) on a daily basis, who think it's ok to flaunt their bigotry on social media. They shall be remembered...
Everyday Racists *1. Tony, who described himself as an ex-cop , who proudly declares that he won't contribute to charities that send money to Africa or other 'predominantly non-white' countries.
Everyday Racists *2.
Jase (Jason?) who casually drops into his rant about the evils of modern life 'Africans tearing down statues and rioting'. Actually, Jase- one statue and very little 'rioting', but never mind that ...'Africans'??
Everyday Racists *3. Tammy, who helpfully reminds us that black and brown people have only themselves to blame for racism and discrimination. Thanks for clearing that up, Tammy.
Everyday Racists *4. Kanjer and Doublegooner, that much-loved double act. Both happy to talk about 'blacks' as if they were characters in some 19th century colonial potboiler. Oh, and BLM are 'traitors, biting the hand that feeds them'. Shame on you ungrateful BAME people!
Everyday Racists *5. To be fair, we don't know for sure which way BrexitDefender voted in his own poll. But I think we can guess. Oh, & an honourable mention for UK Patriot, at the bottom of the screen-shot, with the memorable line 'That's fascism that is'. Thanks for that!
Everyday Racists *6. Actually, this guy is the Foreign Secretary of the UK. But he's earned his place. https://twitter.com/matthewchampion/status/1273534016570957824?s=19
Everyday Racists *7. Don't know what was on GMB that day but there was clearly something that rattled Funky Claude. I wonder what it could possibly have been.....?
Everyday Racists *8.
ThinRedLine responded to one of my tweets about racist accounts by saying he/she was going to follow them as a result, so I held my nose and had a look at his/her timeline. 'When it comes to Negro's (sic) avoidance is best policy'.
Everyday Racists *9. Again, not exactly 'everyday' unless you mix with recipients of knighthoods. Some have suggested that it's not racist because it's Satan being crushed, not a black man, but they chose to represent Satan as a black man, FFS https://twitter.com/wayne_reid79/status/1273391715546804225?s=19
Everyday Racists *10. She is talking about how every player & official took a knee before the Premier League football matches. I thought it was incredibly moving & inspirational. She thinks it was a 'dark day for English sport'. Maybe her birthday was a dark one for humanity
Everyday Racists *11.
David J Billingham has problems with the BLM movement. A look at his timeline reveals that it's the blackness of the lives that he objects to.
Everyday Racists *12. Leon. Leon is one of those people who clearly loves his own wit and intelligence, and most of his timeline consists of him mocking mass movements and their 'hysteria'. Every now and then, however, the mask slips...
Everyday Racists *13. Robert's use of '# All Lives Matter' is a bit of an indicator, as is his 'love' for a cartoon which represents a world that doesn't exist but still outrages him. See also 'BLM bandwagon sheep' and the 'ethnic diversity' of the cabinet (ie no black people?)
Everyday Racists *14.
Kath has some simple advice for young black men talking about their experiences of discrimination. 'Stop whinging'. Oh, and in the tweet below, she bemoans Farage's demise; he, of course, embodies our. 'tollerent' nation.
Everyday Racists *15. Two for the price of one, here. Dominic Farrell thinks he's great because he's white. Julie (Littlemissgiggles) agrees. So that's nice.
Everyday Racists *16. Our second Tony, but I'm not anti-Tony and some of my best friends are Tonies. This Tony invents a quote by a black person, and then justifies his racism on the basis of that invented quote. I'd say 'you couldn't make it up' but.....well, he did!
Everyday Racists *17.
RobGoats. Yes, he said it. And look- what a surprise! He has the hots for Katie Hopkins.
Everyday Racists *18. Actually, there's nothing everyday about this racist, David Vance. You really need to view his timeline to get an idea of how much hate exists beneath his shiny pate. He had 169k followers. Bigotry loves company. Love his plea to Trump, though!
Everyday Racists *19. Josh is angry but is not entirely sure what he is most angry about. Is it that BLM are 'Fetal Drug dealing street gang Scum', that they are 'Momentum', or that people are buying 'sanctimonious ice cream'? Mmm...can I have a flake in mine?
Everyday Racists *20.
Rikki seems to be an up-and-coming racist. Why do we need a 'British Lives Matter' movement? Did anyone say they DIDN'T matter? Maybe the clue is in the 2nd screen-shot; Rikki regards people of a different colour as 'immigrants' who have 'migrated' here.
Everyday Racists *21. Trigga is especially nauseating; from complaining that Trump and Johnson aren't racist ENOUGH, to disparaging a black woman's appearance because of the blackness of her appearance, to...well, see his retweet for yourself, if you can stomach it
Everyday Racists*22. Thanks to @Jackswillss for pointing this out. James has a particularly toxic and violent timeline, and god alone knows how it hasn't been shut down. If you can bear it, go to it and report him. I have. 🤮
Everyday Racists *23.
Penny Hughes has one message for BAME people speaking out against racism or poverty; if you don't like it in 'our' country, go 'home'. Of course, Alexandra's from Islington, Dawn's from Newham, and Zarah's from Birmingham. But facts don't derail bigots...
Everyday Racists *24. John.
I spent quite a while browsing John's timeline, and there's much more I could have added here, but I'll leave it at this, below, because a) it says everything you need to know about John, and b) I feel a bit sick now.
Everyday Racists *25. It's a frequent trait among racists that their timelines show strong support for the NHS and for animal rights (good, on both counts) yet are shockingly hateful towards black and brown people. This one even bemoans 'spreading hate' in his/her profile...🤔
Everyday Racists * 26.
In one of Michael's tweets, he talks about 'Britain's kindness' not being mistaken for weakness. Judging by the rest of his timeline, there's little chance of it being mistaken for kindness, either
Everyday Racists *27.
Dennis Murray. When racism combines with a fierce intellect and a sharp wit, a person can become a leading light in the far-right movement. Dennis is not that person.
Everyday Racists *28. Steve. Steve hasn't yet discovered the lost land of 'Irony'. When David Lammy tweets about Windrush, Steve replies by talking about the recent horrific murders; but accuses Lammy of having a 'racist agenda'. Steve's other tweets suggest his own agenda.
Everyday Racists *29. Not sure quite how 'everyday' this one is- he seems to be a bit of an inspirational figure to those who want to take their hate to the next level, and has even recorded some lectures. His profile says 'they have a right to be dominated'. 'They'....?
Everyday Racists *30. When I started this thread, it was mainly to ridicule some rather stupid people and show them up for the fools that they are. Some of them, though, are beyond ridicule. I was alerted to this one by a friend on here; we've both reported the account.
Everyday Racists *31. Actually, we're in the presence of a literary great; Frank's written a book and writes for 'Conservative Woman', says his profile. Presumably he writes on the same subject(s) that he tweets about, again & again & again. It's tough, being white- apparently.
Everyday Racists *32. Another account about which there is nothing remotely amusing. A racist
and a Holocaust denier whose profile declares 'every white country is under seige' and encourages followers to list their location as 'occupied'. Reported and blocked, of course.
Everyday Racists *33. You know how cringey it is when a Tory tries to show they 'care' and 'understand', eg Cameron's ' hug a hoodie', or May's hideous Windrush paen? Well, here's Allison Pearson praising a TV show for reminding her that black people are human beings too!
Everyday Racists *34. As I've implied elsewhere in this thread, going through a racist timeline is not good for the soul. It's nice, then, to be able to go no further than the profile and think 'yep- that sums him/ her up'. I give you Leyla. She's 'anti-mass immigtation'.
Everyday Racists *35. Andrew Pierce is a well-known Tory commentator who, in this tweet, claims a group of black people behaving appallingly at an illegal street party is somehow a reflection of the BLM movement. Blow a dog-whistle and the dogs will come running...
Everyday Racists *36. If there was any natural justice in the world, this guy's surname would be Black or Brown, so he could expend some of that loathing on himself instead of others.
Everyday Racists *37. Revealing my own prejudices here; yes, I find the thuggish foul-mouthed footy-lad racists disgusting, but if anything I find the well-presented,fragrant, 'Conservative Brexiteer' women almost more disturbing...
Everyday Racists*38. Ideally, I would not be exposing people in a thread like this; I would be engaging with them & trying to show them another way of thinking. Dave, I feel, would be immune to change on account of his innate nastiness. Exposure it is, then... (Reported,natch..)
Everyday Racists *39. Thanks to @RedMars67867083 for directing me to this person, who, amongst other things, thinks that people who want to eliminate hate speech from social media belong in 'Nazi Germany'. A little ironic; Goebbels would have loved her Twitter timeline.
Everyday Racists *40. Here's another account in which the juxtaposition of cooing over animal videos and spewing hatred is somewhat jarring. Identifying the 'cooing and spewing paradox' could be my major contribution to sociology; you're welcome.
Everyday Racists *41. Thanks to @GemLodge for bringing Darren to my attention; Darren's bigotry is shared out quite evenly between black people, brown people, women, and Scots. He must be permanently exhausted.
Everyday Racists *42. Thanks to @RedMars67867083 for pointing out Don. 'Don Kiddick' sounds like a 1970s children's entertainer at Pontins. I really hope he wasn't...
Everyday Racists *43. A bit of a departure. This thread is about individuals, not groups, but I'll make an exception for 'Patriotic Alternative' because a) they're really sinister and b) they want the likes of Tommy Robinson to go Morris Dancing, which is now in my head forever
Everyday Racists*44. Another departure from the brief. David Starkey CBE, FSA, FRHistS may or may not have been making an academic & historical point as opposed to a racist statement, but words like that are a gift to the knuckle-draggers of this world and he should really STFU.
Everyday Racists *45 . Our old friends Patriotic Alternative again; notable on this occasion for climbing a hill to display a 'White Lives Matter' banner- which they claim is a reasonable, non-racist statement- and yet not having the guts to show their faces. Not one face.
Everyday Racists*46.
When someone warns against rhetoric which is 'divisive and possibly racist', but has previously accused residents of cities with large BAME populations of lacking 'hygiene, handwashing...and common sense', it rather weakens their argument.
Everyday Racists *47.
Bob Lawrence. Readers of this thread will know I try to find something funny to say about most people in it. Bob...I've got nothing. You're hugely unpleasant, and not remotely comical.
Everyday Racists *48. Meet
Mike. He's 'anti-Islam' but decided that sounded too airy-fairy, so has also targeted, very specifically, 'racist jihadi paedos'. Oh, and he has eclectic tastes in music and a lovely way of talking to women. Ladies, form an orderly queue....
Everyday Racists *49. Tucker says he's ex-army and ex- Met Police. To both of those organisations, I'd say this..,...never get back with your exes. Please.
Everyday Racists *50.
Janet's great hope for the new Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities is that it will 'send them back before it's too late'. That's why she voted Conservative and for Brexit. Oh, and she wants to 'keep the country Christian'...supply your own punchlines.
Everyday Racists *51. Andrew lives, according to his profile,in a lovely little place I know quite well; it's famous for the wooded hills that surround it, its ancient bridge, and its massive hate-spewing bell-end called Andrew.
Everyday Racists *52. The issue of refugees & illegal immigrants is complex, I grant you. But if your immediate reaction to one such story is like BrexitBritSteve's, or many of the replies to his tweet, can I suggest you are lacking a little something..maybe empathy? Or a soul?
Everyday Racists *53. 'Nominative Determinism' is, I believe, a theory that people end up doing jobs that suit their names. Can it also apply to behaviour? This man Hogg certainly behaves like an ignorant pig.
Everyday Racists *54. This guy isn't 'everyday'; apparently he used to be quite famous as a stand-up, and he still has a fair few celebrity followers. Presumably that will change after this....although I imagine @NadineDorries and @Fox_Claire will stick around for the laffs...
Everyday Racists *55. In his profile, Colson describes himself as an 'all-round nice guy'. Now, he may be a spherical male, but 'nice' is stretching it. He's now an all-round reported and blocked guy.
Everyday Racists *56. Robert sought out this thread because I insulted him on another subject; ironically, he was quite close to inclusion here after his assumption that black men on a march must have chosen to be unemployed. I didn't want to seem petty but, well- stuff that!
Everyday Racists *57. One does wonder about these accounts. 'Lee' swings from relative coherence about Joe Biden ('swathes', indeed) to a more primal 'Get too fuck' when his beloved Farage is impugned. Lone moron, or bot? Unpleasant, either way.
Everyday Racists *58. Carl 🤷. Carl seems to be a perfect example of one of those guys who thinks that being born British is a gift from god, although he himself seems like a work of satan or the unwanted side-effect of a lab experiment.
Everyday Racists *59. Lilly almost certainly knows that she is talking bollocks, but that doesn't matter to her; if you look down the thread, you can find the nods of agreement, the knowing glances, the 'I heard this too's. Job done. Racists love their lies.
Everyday Racists *60. Andy doesn't like 'gay and brown people' who 'cause issues that create vandalism and violence'. Issues like homophobia and racism, presumably, Andy?
Everyday Racists *61. You lucky Black people! You have 2 ways to earn Lars's approval; a) absorb his culture entirely, which presumably includes singing 'Swing Low' with him at Twickers, or b) time travel with him to the Somme in 1926
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