- a thread of commonly used aave terms and their meanings
— let’s start with :
- ‘chile’ - aave for child
- ‘gucci’ - aave for good
- ‘yeet’ - aave for an action word
- ‘bless up’ - aave for a greating or appreciation
- ‘wig’ - aave for a form of praise coined by black lgbt
- ‘woke’ - aave for awake ; as in someone is woke (socially aware)
- ‘GOAT’ - aave for ‘greatest of all time’
- ‘i’m weak’ - something makes you laugh so hard you’re weak
- ‘extra’ - aave for chile “you doing too much”
- ‘go off’ - sarcastic keep talking idc
- ‘salty’ - aave for bitter
- ‘bae’ - aave short for babe
- ‘period/periodt - used with affirmations (you’re wrong period.)
- ‘deadass’ - aave for seriously
- ‘bet’ - aave for yes or do it
- ‘no cap’ - aave for i’m not lying / i’m being serious
- ‘cap / stop capping’ - aave for lying / stop lying
- ‘on god’ - aave for i swear or promise
- ‘sus’ - aave for suspicious
- ‘clapped’ - aave for a crazy person / something that looks bad
- ‘zooted’ - aave for high asf
- ‘asf’ - aave for as fuck
- ‘snack’ - aave for someone who looks good
- ‘smacks’ - aave for tastes good
- ‘slap’ - aave for something is good
- ‘bop’ - aave for a really good song
- ‘finna / gonna / boutta ‘ - aave for going to / about to
- ‘on blast’ - aave for exposing someone
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