A question we've seen repeatedly surfacing is "How could this happen?" Let's start there. I'm making this a #jombincang thread, asking Malaysians to RESPECTFULLY reply with at least one reason they can think of why sexual predators thrive in our supposedly moral,religious society
@hannahyeoh @AWAMMalaysia @womensaidorg @MichelleYesudas @SistersinIslam @NewsBFM @NewNaratif @netraKL I implore and plead with you to offer your thoughts and #jombincang so we can #wakeupMalaysia and understand together why sexual predators appear to thrive in our communities
I'll start this ball rolling. I've voiced this before but again, I truly think making sex/sex-ed taboo is a factor. We don't teach our youth (or adults) about consent, power dynamics, boundaries; everything needed for healthy sexual encounters. #jombincang #wakeupMalaysia
Agreed! Marriage DOES NOT EQUAL permanent and full-time consent. No partner is ever supposed to give in to sexual advances 24/7, it is so not a "spousal duty" #wakeupMalaysia https://twitter.com/dytiaaurinh/status/1273477974298263553?s=19
I feel like I should also make it clear. This #jombincang thread/hashtag is intended to help #wakeupMalaysia yes, but NOT to derail or take attention away from survivors who are speaking up against abusers. We owe it to their bravery to ensure the conversations keep going
because another problem we face is that every abuser that gets outed is reduced to one-off sensational news/Twitter trending names and then we collectively let the chance to continue dialogue towards meaningful action and change pass us by. Use #jombincang and let's change that.
Yup. That "don't cause trouble, stay out of it" mindset serves to protect nobody but predators https://twitter.com/nlinggod/status/1273505578875142144?s=19
THIS. Marriage is not a quick-fix for "Zina" (shout out @ child marriage defenders) OR rape and frankly if this trope in our media doesn't get you upset it should. https://twitter.com/TheVenusDarling/status/1273518687203422210?s=19
Oh, #jombincang this shit right here. Because I am privileged enough to be pursuing higher education and I've still found myself huddled and shivering while my best friend helped me Google "how to tell you've been harassed"
#wakeupMalaysia https://twitter.com/sujibiscuit/status/1273525143420039168?s=19
There are (yes, present tense) Malaysians saying the recent abuse cases are "complicated cause these women consented/wanted sex" and here's a newsflash: consent can be withdrawn and women CAN want sex they just DON'T want to be assaulted 🙄 #wakeupMalaysia https://twitter.com/sshankg/status/1273525895400001536?s=19
"bUT WHy diDn'T tHEy caLL ThE polIcE?Âż"
You tell me.
#jombincang #wakeupMalaysia #PoliceBrutalityPandemic

Shaming victims instead of their abusers? Sounds shockingly nonsensical and yet still the prevalent norm here. ( ._.)
#wakeupMalaysia https://twitter.com/faersrnt/status/1273540324883759104?s=19
READ. THIS. AGAIN. https://twitter.com/BlessedIsZIE/status/1273548988545855488?s=19
@AWAMMalaysia @hannahyeoh @netraKL @Ambiga_S @SistersinIslam
#jombincang is only a start but conversations have to lead to action and laws that protect Malaysian women.
#wakeupMalaysia https://twitter.com/TheVenusDarling/status/1273536833071144960?s=19
Fair point. Even assuming a survivor is willing to relive their ordeal and brave the police/court, they may not have the financial means to pursue a case. Anyone have suggestions as to legal aid for survivors? @womensaidorg ? @AWAMMalaysia ?
#jombincang https://twitter.com/mehtalika/status/1273544109655945217?s=19
Please join in this conversation whether it's to share your thoughts or ask genuine questions. Hopefully we can all start unlearning whatever socialized behavior contributes towards rape culture and this won't be swept aside as "stale gossip"
#jombincang #wakeupMalaysia
Here's a resource and if y'all know of more, please drop them in the replies https://twitter.com/AWAMMalaysia/status/1273508968950710272?s=19
"consensual sex is already taboo"
Too true! Like I personally don't want to have sex unless I change my mind about marriage in the future. But imagine this: what other consenting adults do with each other is NOT MY BUSINESS~ Magical right? Try it sometime https://twitter.com/eshwaaaaarya/status/1273603710120148992?s=19
"boys will be boys" should not be synonymous with "boys gonna assault" so like, parents, talk to your sons about accountability, responsibility so someone's daughter never has to step forward as a sexual assault survivor.
#jombincang #wakeupMalaysia https://twitter.com/hannahonsocial/status/1273703162499620864?s=19
The whole "accusations will ruin an abuser's life" thing is essentially you saying "we think the abuser's life matters more than the the people they abused" so maybe think twice before spouting that line? #jombincang https://twitter.com/hannahonsocial/status/1273703662867509248?s=19
Here's a sister thread to #jombincang really important questions about our society that we NEED to address if we wanna #wakeupMalaysia because that Malaysia Baru we wanted? It starts with us rakyat folks, nobody is going to hand it to us. Go check it out! https://twitter.com/BeeBalan/status/1273826143762706433?s=19
THIS question in particular. Malaysian men. We KNOW not all of you are trash. But enough of you are that your fellow rakyat are still being hurt. What will you do? #jombincang https://twitter.com/BeeBalan/status/1273832671068618752?s=19
This. This too-common derailing of the bravery of real people sharing real trauma is revolting and desperately needs to be addressed to #wakeupMalaysia. Hear friends doing this? Call them out. Your silence is complicit if you see it and still say nothing. https://twitter.com/thattwirlingcat/status/1273623272756670464?s=19
I really truly hope that the word "minority" is applicable here because let's face it: like it or not society actively serves the male gaze (Google keyword here is "the male gaze" if you're here to learn k? #jombincang, no judgement) https://twitter.com/ComicsByVieN/status/1273852602963251201?s=19
Hmm..physically weaker..? I'm assuming people who say that already have a sterotypical cisgendered idea in their heads of what women's bodies look like. Also, sure, our bodies are designed for sex but also for shitting, sweating, farting,running,dreaming~ https://twitter.com/ComicsByVieN/status/1273853349679382529?s=19
Resources on identifying predatory behavior! It bears repeating, we're NOT responsible for not getting assaulted. Still a good idea to read up on how to spot red flags since predatory scum still exist. Trust your guts #wakeupMalaysia https://twitter.com/heartspocky/status/1156043571985653760?s=19
TW: this tweet brings up an important factor on rape culture in Malaysia but it quotes a survivor's account of assault so read with caution please, kita kene #jombincang but mental/emotional/overall health still must come first k? https://twitter.com/DellaLupi/status/1273895630818013184?s=19
Continuation on how some predators hide behind religious facades which we all know have significant power in a country that stresses religion as much as ours does #wakeupMalaysia https://twitter.com/DellaLupi/status/1273896317245206528?s=19
"People would rather disbelieve a victim than believe this" is such a painful truth to examine but we MUST search within ourselves and dismantle any unconscious but harmful beliefs like this if we want to #wakeupMalaysia and keep each other safe https://twitter.com/DellaLupi/status/1273907752004280320?s=19
Another important point to #jombincang on how to identify potential abusers! Remember, an imbalanced power dynamic (also a Google keyword if you're here to learn) is key to any abuser's manipulation and the quoted tweet highlights this https://twitter.com/DellaLupi/status/1273903447717208065?s=19
The purpose of #jombincang is to #wakeupMalaysia to the fact that while calling out abusers is important, we also need to examine our society. Abusers are a symptom of a larger problem and we NEED to root it out and address it. https://twitter.com/upset_spaghet_/status/1273643494104588289?s=19
Spin off thread! Thank you Malaysians who keep using #jombincang and/or #wakeupMalaysia to keep important conversations flowing. #MovementNotMoment https://twitter.com/pavitheunicorn/status/1274386127437197312?s=19
Another great thread on the recent wave of abusers being called out in the Malaysian twitter-sphere. Keep listening, discussing, questioning, learning; #jombincang so we can #wakeupMalaysia to the problems in our society and move towards change https://twitter.com/tshiunghan/status/1274596359098601473?s=19
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