Last year (2019), I stumbled upon a sinister Chinese plot to create WhatsApp groups and circulate social media content to undermine India as a nation.
Their aim was to recruit young, vulnerable Indian students and instigate them to speak against Indian interests.

(Thread begins)
A WhatsApp group is the most potent weapon for circulation of fake news. By definition, it's a closed group. There are several other loopholes in the App.
It is very difficult to track movement of content by law enforcement.
So, I guess, they selected WhatsApp for this operation.
The story begins in 2018, when WhatsApp Groups were established as the most effective way to circulate 'information' in India. Indian law agencies were still grappling with methods to tackle the menace.
Crimes instigated by false rumours circulated on WhatsApp Groups were rampant
The speed of WhatsApp Groups to 'move' content is phenomenal. I won't go into details. The Indian judiciary have repeatedly urged Indian law enforcement to reign in WhatsApp groups.
Even today it's a favourite weapon for miscreants who are leading the information assault on India
The App is a menace not only in India but across the world. Law enforcement agencies are struggling to reign in the App which was acquired & currently administered by Facebook.
Several countries have banned WhatsApp (names below on map).
Guess which country tops that list?
During November 2019, I received an invitation from a senior manager of a social media company to join their platform (screenshot below).
Note: The company's identity has been protected.
I was still looking to revive my passion project @BollyJourno, so I responded favourably
You can follow @Soumyadipta.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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