I’ve spent my whole life seeing people as people. Now I see black people and white people. It won’t change how I treat anybody, but my color-neutral perspective has been damaged. This of course is the objective of the left– divide us with the purpose of weakening us so that ~1/
they can control us under the guise of trying to “fix“ everything.
I don’t know what the answer is, but I do know a few things:
1. The horrific damage done to blacks through slavery, lynchings, segregation is a trauma that still lingers unhealed in the black population. ~ 2/
2. Reparations are not the answer as that would be fraught with more problems than can be discussed here.
3. Kneeling before black people is not the answer as that is both humiliating to the white and patronizing to the black.
4. White people understanding and acknowledging ~3/
that racism still exists, although more subtly than in the past, is helpful but is not enough.
5. Obama had an entirely unique opportunity to speak the truth to both blacks and whites without shaming anyone, and to bring us a little bit closer together. He failed, because ~4/
he actually hates America and wants to see America brought down before the rest of the world. Shame on him.
6. Fatherless families, poor education, drugs and drug money, gangs and poverty are the real systemic problems impacting urban black communities. ~5/
7. Liberal policies and liberal leaders have been poison to black Americans, but many blacks keep voting for Democrats because they’ve been taught to fear white Republicans above all else.
8. The way black people respond to the current crisis is not going to be uniform. ~6/
Some blacks will continue to believe that police routinely hunt down and kill blacks, despite what statistics show, and will insist on defunding police. Other blacks are willing to own the role of black people in correcting the course of blacks in America.
9. We are at a ~7/
tipping point. If urban blacks continue to vote progressives/liberals into office in their cities, things will not change.
10. More blacks than ever are speaking out in support of conservative politics. Any one of them has a better chance than an army of white liberals ~8/
of being heard in the black community.
11. We are in a fight for the future our country. While leftists are tearing us apart in an effort to gain control, conservatives are challenged to stay level-headed and strong but not belligerent. ~9/
12. In the end, truth is stronger than lies and our country will survive as a place of freedom and opportunity as long as there are enough people who will ignore the narratives and stand with the facts and the evidence no matter the cost to one’s own belief set. 🇺🇸 ~end/
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