1) When I see pure degeneracy being celebrated like this video of a drag queen stripper dancing for a young girl, I say we are living in Weimar Germany?

But what do I mean by that? What is Weimar Germany, and what does it have to do with this video? https://twitter.com/MattWalshBlog/status/1233355261622063104
3) You may think the decadence we're seeing today wasn't always so, but I assure you, it was.

A little over 100 years ago, Germany ushered in the Weimar Republic following their defeat in WW1, and sexual depravity that would exceed imaginations was commonplace
4) After losing the war, Germany was absolutely devastated culturally, socially, & economically.

The Kaiser was replaced by a constitution, but hyperinflation made the cost of living so unaffordable that a week's wages couldn't even buy a loaf of bread.

The currency was useless
5) In 1924, Germany's economy was rescued by the Dawes Plan, which reduced its reparation payments, provided heavy investment by the US, and had industrial workers head back to work.

The Weimar Republic entered a "Golden Age," but it was too late. The damage was done.
7) But in Weimar Germany, every gluttonous desire was OK.

Teen girls, pregnant women, and those who worked 9-5 were able to be bought.

If you rented a table at a club, a "table-lady" would be included in the cost for the evening.
8) Rampant prostitution in Berlin was not limited to women either. It was just as common for men to sell their bodies for profit, regardless of the sex of the buyer.

Wanting to earn some extra income, young high school boys would also commonly turn to prostitution.
9) Think Drag-Queen storytime is a new phenomenon? Think again.

Androgyny (combining of sexes) was commonplace in society and clubs, and was even celebrated as it is today.
10) Science may be more advanced today, but if you think gender surgery is new, it's not.

In 1919, Magnus Hirschfeld opened his Institute for Sexual Science in Berlin which offered sex changes through hormone therapy or surgery https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/guest-blog/a-history-of-transgender-health-care/
11) Italian Journalist, Luigi Barzini, provided his first-hand account that children were often offered up as prostitutes

"I saw pimps offering anything to anybody: little boys, little girls, robust young men, libidinous women, animals."
12) He continues

"a male goose whose neck you cut at just the right ecstatic moment would give you the most delicious frisson of all as it allowed you to enjoy sodomy, bestiality, homosexuality, necrophilia & sadism at once. Gastronomy too, as one could eat the goose afterward"
13) Perhaps the only way to capture the degeneracy of Weimar Germany is to describe it as Saturnalian - A Roman festival in honour of the god Saturn
14) As we know, Saturn worship is Satan worship, and during this Roman winter festival all sexual prohibitions were lifted.

The term "orgy" as we know it originated from this pagan festival.
15) All of this begs the question - are these hedonist acts of 1920s Germany similar to what we see today?

Let's take a closer look
16) 5 years ago, the thought of a drag queen reading to children would be unthinkable, but if you dare question this today you're lambasted as a bigot https://www.dragqueenstoryhour.org/ 
21) Watching that video reminds me of what Vladimir Putin said following the rape of a child in Austria

"A society that cannot defend its children has no future...
22) Societal decay in Weimar Germany was not limited to sexual decadence either.

Just as we're now hearing calls to defund and abolish our Police, so too did Germany's finest in the 1920s.
23) To save space around the character limit, I'll conclude with a passage that can be found on the US Holocaust Memorial Museum.
24) I don't need to remind anybody about who came to power after the Weimar Republic collapsed.

Perhaps it's fitting I'm posting this shortly after Q outlined the Democrat and MSM usage of Hitler's playbook to rise to power. https://qmap.pub/read/4476 
25) For me, the cause and solution to all of this is very simple.

Cause = Godlessness.

Solution = Prayer.

Where there is no God, there is no light. Where there is no light, there is no hope.
26) We study history so mistakes of the past can be recognized and prevented from recurring.

This is why we read. This is why we pray.

God wins.
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