2/Many Chiefs have their surveys back. These were big endeavors: 10-100K parents, thousands of teachers & students per district. In every case, significant % of parents (1/5-1/3) saying they want their child to do full distance learning.
3/That potentially alleviates some challenges (classroom & bus capacity) but reinforces the need for online & classroom learning to provide equitable access to quality content, instruction, learning. Ideas in “The Return” of real relevance here: https://chiefsforchange.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/CFC-TheReturn_5-13-20.pdf
4/Many different versions of staggered daily schedules: e.g.
M/T & Th/F with W as an extra day of in-person for students with special needs. Everyone agrees “Have to be prepared for a return to full virtual.”
5/Districts in communities experiencing population growth w/out commensurate construction over past decade are in especially difficult spot. As one Chief with middle schools at 110% capacity said, “We’re just out of space.” And that’s PRIOR to social distancing restrictions.
6/Chiefs looking at a variety of ways to free up actual classroom seats including increasing dual enrollment with local higher ed & work-based HS CTE.
7/Several Chiefs stressed value of keeping both teachers, families, community engaged in planning process. One district created a “digital think tank” that anyone in community can contribute ideas to that a district team then vets.
8/Ability to bring all kids back in manner that allows them to be counted for funding purposes is high stakes for many (something I’ve discussed in previous updates). Lower head counts = lower revenue = layoffs. One of reasons everyone needs to row in same direction right now.
9/Variety of different technologies already being piloted to support blended classroom approaches: e.g. using Swivel not for teacher observation but to run a single live classroom with some kids in class and some at home. SPED teachers leading the way on this.
10/One Chief thinking in grand terms about new system design that would include transportation more like city bus system + ride share and flexible in-class options on a year round schedule combined with online options. In this case necessity is definitely the mother of invention.
11/Americorps part of conversation about new flexible supports for students as are partnerships w/ local non-profits engaged in “upskilling” older members of community who may currently be unemployed. We speak to potential value of new adult mentors & counselors in “The Return.”
12/That’s it for tonight. Parents, expect this question soon from your school district if you haven’t heard it already: “Are you willing and able to drive your child to school.”
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