Dear Atlanta Police Officers:

America is at a historic crossroads. We face the worst crisis since 1861. You have a chance to avert it.

(continued) https://twitter.com/Atlanta_Police/status/1271934167979352064
2/The concepts of liberty, freedom, justice and the rule of law that are embodied in our Constitution are close to being shattered and discarded.
3/The result will be a ruinous descent into anarchy and the rule of the raised fist. This will not only destroy America, but it may destroy the civilized world as well.
4/The average citizens who are enabling this, by and large, do not understand the consequences of their actions. They need to learn before it is too late.
5/Sometimes in history, fate presents a chance to an unlikely set of heroes to change the course of human events. You are presented that chance tonight.
6/How can you save the world? Don’t go to work tomorrow. Or the next day. Or the next week. Or the next month.
7/ LET the anarchy ensue. LET Atlanta burn with crime and arson and murder and robbery and the most base and savage things humans are capable of.
8/This is surely anathema to you. But sometimes a vastly greater good is enabled by recognition of the smaller, bad deeds of criminals.
9/Only when the political leaders of Atlanta get down on their hands and knees to beg should you consider returning.
10/The outbreak of violence when you put down your shields will be a lesson to the rest of America. And maybe—just maybe—the rest of America will learn, and you will have saved civilization.
11/I know the idea of breaking your vow is loathsome to you, because you are men and women of honor.
12/But the political leaders who are supposed to lead you have no honor, and broke their own vows a long time ago. They have made you the scapegoats for their own bad decisions. Do not let them.
13/At these historic crossroads—stay home. Protect your families. The bravest, most important thing you ever do may be not going to work tomorrow.
14/Please. For the rest of us.

A Concerned Citizen and Disabled Veteran
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