hot take but i really f'n hope that race talk in the us doesn't pull in pal*stine rhetoric rn. i know firsthand how quickly it will shut off ANY support from a huge group of jews, and we really need to keep that whole 1.5 generation of white libs thinking abt their own whiteness.
this has nothing to do with whether i agree w pstine rhetoric, or see the similarity btwn the 2 situations (i do.)
This is about the *countless* times i've seen a white american jew, usually above 40, engaged in a serious conversation abt race in america and whiteness... (2/?)
...challenging themselves, truly learning, and then p*l*stine gets brought up and they, on a hair trigger*, shut down completely and refuse to listen to anything else anyone says. (3/?)
* that hair trigger is formed through a combination of a lifetime of is*ael-focused relig education & upbringing, personal experiences of antisemitism, and, in some cases, witnessing past persecution that caused many jews to flee to is/pal (eg. plight of soviet jews; Holocaust)
We have to go step by step. Most of such ppl are more open to learning abt american race relations, socio-economic ineq., etc. Work on that first. Once they've challenged their views in those realms, THEN you can start teaching them to challenge those more buried, guarded views.
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