More people than ever are self-employed. Which means

The tasks aren't always clear
The times to work can be anything
There are multiple moving variables constantly

More decisions are being made per day than ever before

Thread: The Willpower Myth 👇🏼
Figuring out the best timing/task was not a problem before the internet

Bake the bread, milk the cows, call the sales leads

Things were fairly straightforward with minimal variables involved

More access to variables = more power, more maneuverability, more opportunity

It also increases the chance of confusion, anxiety, freezing and procrastinating from too many options

we have access to more power than ever before right at our fingertips

but "with great power comes great responsibility"

responsibility = ability to respond
Ability to respond = quality decisions relative to current situation

But to constantly be making decisions on the fly burns vital energy and willpower

Resulting in lower quality decisions. Which results in lower quality results
...which then results in bad emotional experiences because of bad results

Which then creates a bunch of emotional baggage mixed in with an already complex set of variables that need responding to

Which is stress

So then the result of this cocktail is: procrastination & anxiety
Willpower should be your reserve tank, a asset within you

As a default fuel source for all things... catastrophic destruction of self, and poor results await

Based on my own experiences, and from observing some high achievers the key switch is...
Instead of tapping into 'willpower' and having the option of even making the decision

Remove the option altogether.

Designing life in a way where the right thing to do is often the only form of stimulus available in your environment
The only way to get stimulus in your immediate environment would be by producing activities

Just the contemplation of a temptation in itself...

Drains energy, focus, drops IQ 10 points immediately, and drains willpower
Clear cut example:

At 21 I stopped playing video games. Gave the console away to my friend, heck I even gave my TV away and haven't owned one since

It was no longer even an option. No willpower exerted to refrain from playing
This is why certain CEO's wear the same thing everyday

Now I don't vibe with that haha, but definitely minimize the wardrobe. 2-3 go to gym outfits

Go to casual outfits, mixing & matching essentials

instead of being stacked with non essentials
So if 'willpower' & discipline constantly pop up areas you know you should work on

If you can't seem to get things done you know you want to do

One element to consider would be. How many temptations are you avoiding per day? How many non-essential decisions do you have to make?
What is your environment set up like?

Is it nudging you toward the right things you know you want to do

Or is it loaded with 'mouse traps' tons of things to constantly resist, shooting yourself in the foot
We have more power than ever, but that requires great responsibility

Cultivate this ability not through sheer force

But keeping the power intact by not wasting it on temptations in your environment

Thank you for reading!

- Yous
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