1. What if there isn’t a culture war, but rather a war against the kingdom of darkness. What if we were a friend to culture & sought to be a light in it rather than saw ourselves as enemies. The only reason to declare war against culture is if you are after social dominance. https://twitter.com/tgc/status/1273338376524095491
2. The simple truth is, White American Christianity has always sought social dominance thru weaponizing the cross. This practice has been done out of the same heart that built Babel, the ambition to build a Kingdom after ourselves rather than exalt God & His Kingdom.
3. Like all wars, it’s only a matter of time before moral compromises are deemed necessary for the sake of overcoming the “enemy”. That is EXACTLY how Trump became our current president. Trump is President b/c Evangelicalism saw him as a necessary evil to win the “war”.
4. Also, “Winning the culture war” is a profoundly selfish motive for having children. Having children for the sake of the culture war is dehumanizing to children. It reduces children to mere tools/weapons for cultural dominance rather than as precious image bearers. Smh.
5. And how profoundly inconsiderate this article is to singles, as well as couples who can’t have children or anymore children. This Kind of teaching is toxic, unloving, and deeply misguided. Also, Living a “Christian life” like this, always “at war” must be utterly exhausting.
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