Keep screaming

A year ago their were a couple of trans pushing back on the trans agenda, now their R dozens

A year ago this video was up now its removed

A year ago the medical field was telling parents kids know best & forcing medical transition, now they has soft-
A year ago the NHS was pushing Lupron the hormone blocker. 2 weeks ago the NHS soften its stance & no longer pushes Lupron & now doesnt recommend it with a stronger verbiage only a few days ago

A year ago Yanic was the media go to and revered as a warrior, not shes kicked off T
A bit ago @DebbieHayton was taken off stage 4 wearing a shirt said they said "Male."

A year ago it wasnt well know that Lupron was deemed a criminal enterprise is 2001 for bribery, risk suppression and false advertising. Now I see it everywhere in twitter replys
A year ago parents were being swayed by "better a daughter than a dead son," Now they push back & understand that suicidal ideation is at it's all time high 7-10 years after medical tranition.

A year ago it wasnt well know that medical transition shorts life spans drastically.
A year ago people didnt know that medical transitioning is EXPERIMENTAL & WPATH is gobbly gook with "Up to the doc opinion & people challenge that when WPATH is used as a baseline for care
A year ago I was the LGBT, NOW it's the LGB & opened people's eyes about the detriment of radical trans

A year ago people didnt think medical tranitioning led to health issues, now they realize trans of 65 who transitioned in their 20's hlus rare to find people they have passed.
Things have changed a bit, but we need to change then more. But the gap is now enough to blow open the gates.

Keep pounding desks
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