⚕️Healers, it's your time to shine! W/ larger #BLM protests being organized for this weekend, the need for street medics is more important than ever ⛑️

Only a wee babby Level 1 Healer and don't have first aid training?🥺That's ok! There are still ways you can support protestors:
Bring a bag/fanny-pack and carry some of these basic supplies: Sunscreen (water-based), hydration mix packets (no caffeine), hand sanitizer, tampons, pain reliever (incl aspirin), external battery and charging cables for iPhone/Android, fans.
Check in w/ others & offer to share!
It's getting hotter; heat exhaustion is a real possibility.

Encourage others to hydrate, reapply sunscreen, + ask them to pass on the message to others in the crowd for a ripple effect. See someone showing signs of HE? Offer to sit in the shade w/ them!
It's important to take care of yourself as well so you can help others. Also, we all want to help, but it's so important that you:
- Adhere to the Hippocratic Oath: "First do no harm".
- Follow the lead of organizers.
- Don’t exaggerate about your training/competency or supplies.
Keep your head on a swivel, pay attention to what your body/gut is telling you, and good luck. Any degree of aid you can contribute is important and when we work together we are stronger. 🫂
You can follow @LilTrashPanda.
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