Yesterday, I got a "COVID-19 begging letter" from Oxford University. Today, I got a letter full of woke crap from Oxford University.

So I've asked Oxford University if any donation I make can be hypothecated to STEM, law, & economics only.
And yes, people are suggesting STEM and law can also be cancelled (the term they prefer is "decolonised"), but let's just say the wheels will fall off pdq if they start treating HIV with garlic or using spells instead of cantilevers to hold bridges up or singing to the judge.
At present, this question is rhetorical. I've yet to change my will, which leaves the lot to my old college. So if I'm found in a pool of blood tomorrow morning, you'll know why. I am not poor.
Correct response. If alumni don't kick the Russell Group up the freckle, no-one will.
We have to stand up. I've had people try to cancel me multiple times, and when that failed, shove dead cane toads in my mailbox, and try to beat me up.

We cannot have a situation where the only people with freedom of speech are upper-middle-class Shire Tories (like me).
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