I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. The political realm has two groups: partisan BS and people who are actively discerning what’s best. The latter have nuanced and diverse opinions they have thought through and are constantly developing. Guess who has the political power?
A checklist to figure out which you are:
- Do you actively follow and consider the ideas of those who have different views?
-Are there aspects of both parties that you agree with and others you disagree with?
-have you changed your mind on a big issue when you learn more?
-Do you condemn those who don’t vote the same way you do as evil or ignorant?
-do you unfollow those you don’t agree with or tell those who don’t agree with you to unfollow you?
-do you believe your party is always right on big issues while the other is usually wrong?
Another good tell is how aware you are of your own confirmation bias- I’ve noticed I’m less likely to fact check when I agree with what’s being said- when I share it with a friend I know disagrees they fact check and often I find the situation is more nuanced than I realized.
You can follow @ellaree_.
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