Mini-THREAD: 1/n If @joeBiden picked Warren, he would be ignoring the advice @BarackObama followed when picking him:

Choose somebody whose politics match yours.
Choose somebody who fills your gaps
Do no harm.
2/n The most important thing for a VP nominee is that they be ready to be President from day one. This eliminates @StaceyAbrams who has only ever been a state rep. The second most important thing is that they *agree with the nominee* on policy. Warren does not.
3/n If, God forbid, @JoeBiden died suddenly, he should pick a VP that will carry on the policy of the electorate that voted for *him*. This honors the will of the voters. @Ewarren is qualified, but she far too left wing to fit this second criterion.
4/n @BarackObama was advised to pick somebody who filled his gaps to help the ticket. A young male, he went for an older policy hand with strong appeal to the white working class, a demographic he didn’t have. @Ewarren fills no such gaps for Joe Biden.
5/n Warren is, like Biden, older, white, and her appeal is to a demographic Biden already has. She lost her own state to Biden. Now, I do not believe @JoeBiden “must” pick a VP of any color. That’s not the point. Warren fills zero gaps.
6/n I have supported @AmyKlobuchar in the past and still do. She is young, she has energy, high favorables outside her state. But @SenKamalaHarris @RepValDemings both fill the Biden “gaps” significantly as does @GovMLG. (Biden is weak with Latino voters).
7/n I have been #KHive a long while because I believe @SenKamalaHarris to be supremely qualified with that great chemistry. However @ValDemings @KeishaBottoms both also qualify. I respect @AmbassadorRice greatly also, no surprise Biden does as well.
8/n the purpose of my thread is not to demean Senator Warren, who does a great job in the Senate, but to point out the disaster she would be in the VP slot. A Republican would replace her, losing a Senate seat. Do we want to keep #MoscowMitch or a successor in charge?
9/n and, I believe Senator Warren’s appropriation of a minority identity that helped her get tenure would be a live, disastrous campaign issue. Should @JoeBiden be succeeded by Warren, voters would be moved to the left, against their will. And she is as old as he is.
10/final Senator Warren is a patriot. @KamalaHarris did not endorse @JoeBiden while Warren stayed in the race. Now, that’s a feminist with integrity. I appreciate Senator Harris’s respect. She is, as are several others, a far better bet for VP. Hope @JoeBiden chooses wisely. End.
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