1/ Here he goes again. We call it "The Cornyn Con." Let me predict how this is going to play out. Please, Texas reporters, don't get fooled.... https://twitter.com/BenjaminEW/status/1273292953847545856
2/ First, he says with his best sincere Senatorial voice "we need to get some sort of pro-immigration bill passed." The press swoons. He's a player and is making a move! Second, he initiates bipartisan talks to continue to attract attention as a potential deal maker....
3/ Third, after making himself the center of attention, he makes an offer he knows will be refused by Democrats. When they refuse, he cries crocodile tears about the lack of bipartisanship and accuses Democrats desperate for a deal of "playing politics with immigrant lives."
4/ Fourth, he publicly mourns the missed opportunity, while receiving high fives in the back room from McConnell and his colleagues. Business leaders in Texas say, "wow, Cornyn reached out on a tough issue that we care about." Evangelical pro-imm types salute him: "Thanks, John!"
5/ Fifth, restrictionists chuckle to themselves and say "we can always count on Cornyn to get to no on immigration." Sixth, immigrants and their allies shake their heads, "he's all hat and no cattle when it comes to immigration." Many in the press write "at least he tried."
6/ Read up here: https://americasvoice.org/blog/immigration-101-john-cornyn/. Here's a piece by @gusbova of the Texas Observer titled, "John Cornyn’s Weaselly Immigration Record: How to say one thing and do another."
https://www.texasobserver.org/john-cornyn-immigration-record/. Mark my words: He'll kill any DACA deal. Cuz the Cornyn Con. END
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