"The Alemanni have their own traditional way of life, in matters of goverment and administration they are identical to the Franks. They differ, however, in the matter of religion, for they pay homage to certain trees, river waters, hills and valleys and they sacrifice horses,..."
"...cattle and other animals by beheading them, considering it a sacred act".

This is a passage from the (((byzantine))) historian Agathias. Let us observe the strength of Paganism amongst the Alemanni, which Agathias tries to contrast with the Franks. The framework of the...
...passage is a battle where Frankish and Alemannic forces allied with the Ostrogoths against the (((Byzantines))). So, the supposedly christian Franks didn't mind to ally with pagans and act AGAINST the (((pope))), who himself had invited the Byzantines to expel Ostrogoths...
...from Italy. This alone should illustrate how, at the 6th century at least, the Franks were only nominally christian. Addendum that the Ostrogoths also allowed the remaining Roman pagans to practice the Lupercalia and other rituals, much to the chagrin of (((Gelasius I))).
And, of course, the last temples and groves still functioning as pagan sanctuaries were demolished AFTER the fall of the Ostrogothic Kingdom, as in Mt. Cassino.

First four pics show Alemannic pagan artefacts.

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