The statues debate seemed to have lost its momentum.
- Oriel College are recommending moving Cecil Rhodes, the Telegraph reports.
An Independent Commission on Inquiry will look into all of the issues surrounding Rhodes' legacy, exploring ethnic minority access, and "how the College’s 21st Century commitment to diversity can sit more easily with its past”. Governing Body want to see statue moved within that
My "Conversation and Compromise on Statues Campaign" felt it was difficult to die in a ditch for Cecil Rhodes. With Colston in a museum, and an inquiry into moving Rhodes, I'm sceptical about how many others should go

Put up one or two new ones instead
Oriel College' account of Cecil John Rhodes on its website:

"Rhodes’s activities in Africa, and the vision of empire that he represented, were controversial in his lifetime, and debate has continued throughout the intervening century"
One of the positive things about this process is that there will be oral evidence sessions in public - as part of a public consultation. In this case, debate about a statue may be part of a broader debate about the late C19th history of Rhodes, Empire and the Cape Colony.
At Jesus College, Oxford, there is a portrait in the dining hall of Norman Manley, chief minister of Jamaica, and leader of the campaign for independence. He was a Rhodes Scholar at Jesus College in 1915. {Jesus is also my old college]
The Rhodes Trust worked with Nelson Mandela to establish the Mandela Rhodes Foundation. He explained his decision to have his name joined to that of Cecil Rhodes in South Africa as reflecting "our constitution's injunction for us to come together across the historical divides"
Nelson Mandela on the Mandela Rhodes Foundation
'Oxford dons surrender in battle over iconic statue' is the Daily Mail's take.
Neither the Telegraph nor the Express has Rhodes as a page 1 story: both report the un-boxing of Churchill.

The Express includes the "respectful salute" of the footballers kneeling as an anti-racism gesture on page 1.
The Guardian, like the Daily Mail, does see this as a front-page issue, with a "Rhodes must fall" headline.
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