✨Jupiter ♃ Through The Houses✨

Jupiter ♃ Planet of Luck 🍀 & Expansion 🗞

Jupiter in Aries-Pisces ; 1H-12H
The planet Jupiter rules over Generosity & How we expand throughout our lives. Whichever house Jupiter falls in your chart offers incredible opportunity of expansion through Liberation & Accrued Knowledge. You may also find yourself lucky in the matters of that house.
Thursday is ruled by Jupiter, so if you were born on this day you embody qualities of this planet through your daily life, having natural enthusiasm. You may be very lucky & enjoy expanding your horizons through knowledge or travel. This is also a good day for investments!
♃ in Aries ♈︎:
Freedom in action above all else, going your own way. Fiercely optimistic & idealistic. Luckiest when you can be your own boss, being in control of what happens day to day rather than letting routine control you. Influential & sociable, visions are noticed.
♃ in Taurus ♉︎:
Conservative with finances & ability to handle money well, or the inability w overindulgence in the finer things. Love for what’s beautiful & holds value. Reliable & patient, career opportunities are ever present. Amazingly talented in some form of the arts.
♃ in Gemini ♊︎:
Enthusiasm for learning & understanding mysteries of life. Inventive in career opportunities & adventurous, many different jobs. Varied groups of friends, all who benefit you somehow. Intellectually stimulating or clever professions & people are of interest.
♃ in Cancer ♋︎:
Imaginative & sympathetic in your approach towards life. Holding your circles together with your generosity & willingness to sacrifice for just cause, sometimes to your disadvantage. Devotion & an optimistic nature, willingness to see the good in everyone.
♃ in Leo ♌︎:
Extravagance catches your attention, having a flair for the dramatic. Excels in & enjoys entertaining others, warm & lovingly, unless loyalty or recognition aren’t received. Success comes easily to you in rules of creative leadership where your ideas can thrive.
♃ in Virgo ♍︎:
Devotion of the charitable & practical nature, willing to help others & work hard. You pay attention to important details that others miss, having natural common sense & the ability to deal with hurdles. Making passions into a lifestyle, networking comes easily.
♃ in Libra ♎︎:
Growth from balancing scales judiciously within your life, using charm & congenial attitude to attain harmony. Entertainment & creation, thriving in social environments where you can show off talents. Successful in equal partnerships & luck through marriage.
♃ in Scorpio ♏︎:
Passionate & willing to persuade others of viewpoints, but rigid in accepting what counters your beliefs or seems superficial & unethical. Regeneration/rebirth is lifelong theme, coming to constant revelations & lifestyle changes. Inheritance through others.
♃ in Sagittarius ♐︎:
Jupiter’s home in Sag, expanding far & wide with a thirst for knowledge, travel, & abundance. Philosophical & full of new, insightful ideas. Much financial fortune, seemingly out of nowhere. Roaming free in search of true calling, travel brings luck.
♃ in Capricorn ♑︎:
Success through hard work, determination, & discipline in affairs. Love of the earth & working with it (architecture/real estate/craftsman) for joining of community & means of status or wealth. Handling finances lavishly while also conservatively.
♃ in Aquarius ♒︎:
Good fortune through friends, community, & unexpected opportunities that find you. Intuitive awareness w a broad & accepting view of the world. Successful in anything having to do with electronics, new age media, & music. Bringing luck to those around you.
♃ in Pisces ♓︎:
Wishes to heal humanity & the soul, powerfully feeling your own emotions while absorbing that of those around you. Empathetic, spiritual, passionate, & imaginative. Want to escape reality while needing to ground oneself. Luck w water, animals, & healing arts.
♃ in 1H🏠:
Optimistic self-development & expansive. Confidence brings relationships of different kinds into your life for growth; easy to get along with. Direct with communication & honest to (sometimes) a fault. Lifelong good luck & love of humor. Weight gain from celebration.
♃ in 2H🏠:
Confidence in financial/security matters, luck w career. Love of spending & gambling with finances; finding/receiving money or property from others. Strong attachment to possessions & comforts, sometimes overindulgent in them. Soft spoken, keep your word, attractive.
♃ in 3H🏠:
Many siblings, family members, or close friends. Lover of intellect & communication with others, understanding different perspectives. Very smart; always having something to say, like a human dictionary. Foreign places & languages call. Writer, poet, & visionary.
♃ in 4H🏠:
Love the home environment, having a private sanctuary to unwind. Close to family & where you grew up or moving away from generational lifestyle completely. Great ability for interior design & real estate. Having a large family or home of your own. Sharing generously.
♃ in 5H🏠:
Indulgence in creative & romantic pleasures. Enthusiastically following riskier paths in search of self. Leaving lasting legacy for family & children; possibly having many kids. Generous in time & energy towards children. Everyday includes time to unwind & have fun.
♃ in 6H🏠:
Rational understanding of how things operate & problem solving skills. Enjoy helping others, excelling in your career through hard work, & caring for animals. Love housework & anything that keeps you busy; overworking & overestimating yourself. Give urself a break!
♃ in 7H🏠:
Upper hand in legal affairs & important business partnerships; ability to motivate & teach others, knowledgeable. Sometimes marry more than 1x but lucky through partnerships & spouse. Marrying those from a different culture than your own. Bringing people together.
♃ in 8H🏠:
Developing deep & meaningful connections w others. Sharing resources generously, earning respect & help of others. Liberated towards sexuality. Undergoing powerful transformations of faith. Near death experiences; Phoenix rising from the ashes. Much inheritance.
♃ in 9H🏠:
Approach unknown territory w trust, a born explorer & want to experience. Devotion to higher calling comes easily. Selective in associations based on beliefs. Higher education brings opportunity & profound knowledge; profs & teachers. Optimistic outlook towards life.
♃ in 10H🏠:
Parental influence (usually from father) to achieve & be successful. Need to be constantly striving for new goals to feel content. Hard working by nature & likely to receive notoriety for it; lucky & respected in career & public. Luxury items & comfortable living.
♃ in 11H🏠:
Want to include everyone in your large social circle; very broad minded & accepting, full of innovative ideas. Concerned with global human welfare, strong belief that everyone should be treated equally. Manifestations come easily to you. Life of the party!
♃ in 12H🏠:
Lucid & prophetic dreams, powerful spiritual ability; transcendence beyond the physical realm. Need personal space to unwind from hectic atmospheres & others energy. Love of spending money, need to save more often. Feel drawn to help others; psychology, mystery.
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