Ok here’s my theory on how anime Khun ended up as well, anime Khun. A LONG ASS THREAD
Khun is everyone’s favorite character. Reddit bros love him, homophobes on FB love him, we love him. He appeals to everyone on some level. This means that it only makes sense for the anime to have a strong focus on him.
Now it splits into two separate influences. As he’s such a charismatic character, it makes sense that the anime writers would want to have fun with him. As a fic writer, I get the impulse lmao. He’s fun to write but also VERY challenging to get right.
He’s a very nuanced character and its hard to condense all that. There’s no real shortcuts that can be taken with him. He’s demanding to write and very stubborn haha. Combine that with truncated screen time, an impulse to play with him and you already have him slightly wonky.
And then we have the intentional changes. Like the shippy stuff with Bam. It’s cute, but let’s be real, it’s not to make khunbam canon. It’s to whip up interest on social media. They could spend money on ads (which would probably be ignored) or
They could have Khun lay on Bam’s lap and let us do all the work. And stuff like that changes his personality. And that’s not even mentioning the shit with Maria. God. MARIA. I think it was a ploy to make him more emotionally vulnerable but
Khun’s whole thing is that he ISN’T emotionally vulnerable in s1. Any of that comes from Bam’s influence. Does that mean he’s edgy or a Bad Boy tm? No. It means he’s cautious. And in later seasons, he learns to open up to Bam and they become a pillar of strength to each other
But his intrigue in s1 is that he’s NOT vulnerable, that he seems like he might be a little villainous. But that’s actually his own insecurities about his own goodness that make him appear that way. He believes he’s bad & cruel but he has this immense capacity for love & kindness
and Bam reveals that. Bam allows him to be the best version of himself. That’s the charm of s1 Khun. It’s the outer layer of him, charismatic and cunning and calm. But with insecurity and fear and capacity of love that’s just waiting for someone to come and grab his hand
And then the one person who does gets shoved off a raft lmao
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