Fact and truth are currently under direct attack from @HawleyMO, @marcorubio, @SenatorBraun, @TomCottonAR, & William Barr

We have to make sure our elected officials reject the proposed “Limiting Section 230 Immunity to Good Samaritans Act”

Please read this thread & share widely
1/ You might assume this doesn’t apply to you, but it does. In this threat matrix, social media platforms will be *less likely* to curb hate speech & calls to violence. You know, like when Trump called protesters "THUGS" & said, "when the shooting starts, the looting starts."
2/ It’s important to first understand what Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act is.

"Section 230 protects website operators from lawsuits over user-generated content and empowers them to moderate content without losing that legal protection." https://www.eff.org/issues/cda230 
5/ But this is not the way.

The generous read is that Hawley & co are not thinking through the dangerous precedent this bill would set.

The skeptical read is that this bill is a blatant attempt to make it harder for social media companies to moderate right-wing propaganda.
9/ ...I'm going to defer to Occam’s razor here and say the evidence points to this being part of a coordinated bad-faith effort to immunize far-right propaganda & extremist viewpoints from content moderation, allowing divisive and violent opinions to spread with impunity.
11/ Sure, they might not end up having to pay anything other than legal fees, but more precious resources will be wasted: their time & energy. Not just in the lawsuits, but in how they're then depicted (spun) in conservative media & propagandistic outlets. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/03/the-2020-disinformation-war/605530/
12/ The sticky wicket is that "good faith" metric, which is, by design, open to interpretation.

Under this bill, ANYONE could sue by claiming a company deviated from its moderation guidelines.

It doesn't actually matter if they did or didn't—the company still ends up in court.
13/ Together, the Limiting Section 230 Immunity to Good Samaritans Act & the impending DOJ actions are obvious attacks on perceived "enemies" of Trump & Barr.

Together, they can form the bedrock of a legal and financial intimidation apparatus predicated on fatiguing platforms.
14/ That the proposed bill is not *immediately* threatening (“It’s only $5k!”) is part of what makes it so insidious.

Don't forget: Trump is a master of weaponizing his opponents' exhaustion. All he needs to "win" is for social media companies to decide he's not worth crossing.
15/ TLDR: By attempting to limit the function of Section 230, Hawley, Rubio, Cotton, Braun, Trump, and Barr are attempting to use the pretense of free speech as a cudgel to not-so-subtly give hate speech & propaganda a free pass.

That is very, very dangerous. Call your Senators.
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