I'm having trouble putting in to words my feelings around some absolute bullshit going down in #TTRPG twitter right now...

I've been working tertiarily on the outskirts of the TTRPG industry for about two years now. My company has, relatively, blown up over that time period.
We could not have had the success that we have without the support of some really, really amazing folks that I've also become personal friends with since. Those folks are wonderful and kind, and incredibly patient and well-meaning with how they interact online.
And when one of them gets attacked *personally* for an incredibly well-meaning thread that was just blatantly misunderstood, even after clarifying the message and intent, I get incredibly angry and protective. But I've refrained from going after those people.
Not because I don't want to. Gods, do I want to, and I could. But because doing so would not honor the person, and their kindness, whom I'd be trying to protect.
Simply put, attacking someone personally, making a straw man fallacy, and ending up on the same side as an actual shitstain of a human destroys your credibility - even if your intent is also well-meaning.
You can disagree with someone and have a discourse with them without being a cunt.
Ultimately, other friends have said this better than I have... I just needed to scream into the void I guess.
Go read what they said: https://twitter.com/impernious/status/1273284586252926979
https://twitter.com/bodyandsoul152/status/1272945242505916417 https://twitter.com/RuffleJax/status/1273314016010649600
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