This is a ‘cloud waterfall’

It is at the summit of Bluff Knoll, Western Australia and is 1,099 metres (3,606 ft) above sea level.

Cloud waterfalls are called orographic fog and are created by Orographic lift. I’m going to try and simplify this process, credits at the end 1/3
an air mass is forced from a low elevation to a higher elevation as it moves over different heights.

As it gets higher, this air cools down adiabatically, meaning the rising quantity of air will expand as it rises, because of decreasing atmospheric pressure with elevation. 2/3
One effect of orographic lifting is
Orographic fog. The air rises up the slope and envelopes the summit, if it is humid, some of the moisture will fall on the windward slope and on the summit of the mountain. 3/3 (4th tweet will be added for credits and the full amazing video)
Here is the link to the full amazing video. Sorry it’s late my phone literally wasn’t working. 
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