1. You probably worked hard to get to where you are. Regardless of your skin color. You got an education, a job, avoided substance abuse and criminal activity. Your success is due to your choices, not privilege. The left conflates hard work with privilege. They are lying.
2. You made something of yourself, raised your kids to respect the rights of others. The left accuses you of racism for succeeding where others, who did not make the same good choices struggled. When the left accuses you of racism for your success, they are lying.
3. The left worships at the shrine of abortion. Black babies are much more likely to be aborted than while babies. Planned Parenthood abounds in low-income areas. The left says abortion is healthcare. They are lying.
4. They want to control your standard of living by controlling energy. They claim an increase from 350 to 400 ppm of CO2 will heat the planet, melt the ice caps and bring massive destruction. They have claimed this for decades, yet it never comes to pass. They are lying.
5. The left engineered a coup against a duly elected President. They used a falsified dossier to illegally spy on his administration and on journalists that didn’t toe the line. They claimed Trump colluded with Russia to affect the election.
6. They claimed the Biden family corruption in the Ukraine was somehow Trump’s fault and they ran a scam impeachment. They railroaded General Flynn. Now they will not drop the charges against Flynn, defying the prosecutor’s recommendations. It was all a lie.
7. A global movement sprung up overnight to protest the murder of a black man by police. The protests were orchestrated to turn violent and destroy neighborhoods and businesses. The left first blamed white supremacists, then later claimed these are peaceful organic protests.
8. Bricks, weapons and flammable liquids were strategically placed in the protest zones. BLM and Antifa are violent cultural Marxist organizations. They are seeking political power, not justice. The left is lying.
9. These lies are just a few examples of many. If you want to see more, read the NY Times, WaPo, or turn on CNN, MSNBC, PBS, ABC, NBC or CBS. They lie frequently and with impunity when it fits their agenda.
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