Today in our #OGLSpotlight on the #ActsofJohn we'll highlight some favorite passages from the wider tradition. Did you know that John commanded bedbugs to leave an inn? Described Jesus as a shape shifter? That John was the only apostle to die peacefully? Follow along!
John & the bedbugs:
While en route back to Ephesus, John & his disciples stay at inn that is troubled by bedbugs. He commands bedbugs (κόραι) to "behave themselves" (εὐγνωμονήσατε), stay quiet, and keep their distance.
The next morning, the disciples awaken to a peculiar sight -- all the bedbugs standing by the door! Before John leaves, he welcomes the bugs back to the bed while his disciples watch in awe as the bugs march across the floor and back into the bed.
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